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Re: Career Chat // Why work? Benefits and challenges // Friday, 24 Feb, 12pm AEDT

Also ... @BlueBay and anyone else ... @Former-Member asked about disclosure

This is a huge challenge - it's a separate topic actually!

May I ask, what's your opinion on disclosure? 

Disclosure is not mandatory, it's only there to serve you if you believe it could assist your workplace to accommodate your needs. People who do not disclose may feel less likely to be stigmatised on the one hand, but when they need accommodations/excessive time off they may be dismissed/fired more easily (as @Former-Member mentioned).

On the other hand disclosing means risking that your boss/employment place won't be understanding and you may lose your job (be managed out as they can't dismiss you due to mental health issues). Yet if they ARE understanding then they can accommodate, help and take measures to ensure you're OK and are being supported.

In terms of disclosure to colleagues/other employees ... that's another question.

Is it really necessary? Can you do it but in a modified way?

Has anyone out there disclosed to fellow colleagues and if so how was it?

Re: Career Chat // Why work? Benefits and challenges // Friday, 24 Feb, 12pm AEDT

With a supportive and understanding boss it's great! Totally recommend it.
With a non-supportive boss - don't do it, it's not worth it and it will only make things worse. Make up another illness instead to cover yourself.

Re: Career Chat // Why work? Benefits and challenges // Friday, 24 Feb, 12pm AEDT

@BlueBay the one thing it does not sound is stupid!! No way - you are doing the best you can and i can promise you many are looking at you saying ... wow ... wish I could at least GET a job ...

No, you are doing awesome work Smiley Happy ... going for interviews is stressful and fear is ... well fear is like a big ball and chain for most of us.

But you're in a very good position ...

Here's why:
You already have a job. You have nothing to lose initially by looking around for something you love.

Also, you've proven that at work you manage your thoughts well, you can focus and get your job done.

Plus, you have a referee which many people don't have anymore as they've been out of work for so long.

And .. you can always start your typing up again and practice at it, learn new computer skills, train yourself from the comfort of your own home whilst you prepare to maybe take the plunge into something new.

Make some time for yourself !!! 

Then finally, you can network to avoid the cold call interview- tell your family and friends you're looking for a new job that involves admin, that you're trained up and ready to go.

Maybe it all seems impossible ...but everything is until we try.

Am I reaching for the stars here @BlueBay or could this be a plan?

Re: Career Chat // Why work? Benefits and challenges // Friday, 24 Feb, 12pm AEDT

Yes I would agree with everything you've said here @Former-Member

Re: Career Chat // Why work? Benefits and challenges // Friday, 24 Feb, 12pm AEDT

Gosh I wish I had gone with Ostara when I was using DES!

Re: Career Chat // Why work? Benefits and challenges // Friday, 24 Feb, 12pm AEDT

@Former-Member Is that coz I'm helpful or because I agree with everything you've said Smiley LOL

Re: Career Chat // Why work? Benefits and challenges // Friday, 24 Feb, 12pm AEDT

Helpful (although I like it when people agree with me).
I guess I could have really used with some useful advice and support when I was looking for work and quite unwell and I find what you've said helpful.

Re: Career Chat // Why work? Benefits and challenges // Friday, 24 Feb, 12pm AEDT

Well thank you very much for that feedback @Former-Member I'm humbled and glad to help.

Can you talk more abou the challenges you're having with disclosure to colleagues/other employees?

Re: Career Chat // Why work? Benefits and challenges // Friday, 24 Feb, 12pm AEDT

I work in the health faculty of a university, so there are lots of past clinicians and people with health related knowledge that I work with. So I have a leg up there.
I guess the challenges are more trying to communicate what my particular difficulties are - memory, anxiety, second guessing myself, stress etc.And also working out how I can work around them and still get my job done well.

Re: Career Chat // Why work? Benefits and challenges // Friday, 24 Feb, 12pm AEDT

Thanks @Former-Member maybe at least initially it's about creating  a narrative that you can use to describe what's going on for you in order to clarify to others (and yourself) what your speicific challenges are

Secondly it's about using your tools/strategies to work around the difficulties and as you say, get the job done.

The narrative you use is really important i don't know if you've ever thought about it... what I mean by narrative is defining for yourself contexually as you are right now.


"At the moment I am able to work really well, however when I experience trigger A .. B etc. I need to put into place strategies such as X ... Y  in order to manage/perform at my best."

that's just an example of a 'narrative' you could use to tell yourself and others that acknowledges both your needs and your truth.

Also ... once you begin to get some strategies they become part of your mental health toolbox (that's what i like to call it anyway ;)) ... journalling, mindfulness based CBT (focus on sensations in the body) even other things like EFT (emotional freedom technique) and reflexology ... alternative mind/body therapies seem to help as well.

Only you will know what is right for you. But first, begin with defining triggers then when you research them more and chat to your therapist you can come up with strategies - even if you don't tell others it's an important step for your own stability and mental health.

What do you think?