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Re: Challenge of the day

Hi all, good seeing and reading your responses.


@Faith-and-Hopeyour poem is wonderful. I found the feelings in it, that I relate to a lot, were stronger for how you structured the writing so simply, with only two words for each line. Life goes on indeed. Finding connection with the natural world is one of the best things for me during this time, reassuring in its constancy. Trees are the best.




@Exoplanet I thought they might not lose leaves, as with most of the foliage here. Reds and golds all year round sounds beautiful.


Here we have different blooming trees in different seasons: ponciana, frangipani, jacaranda, flame trees, and many more, also the colours of flowering plants. It's a lush landscape here.


Especially at my close friend's place, where I can't really go for now, it is in an almost-enclosed little valley with a large wetland nature reserve threading through the houses. When I'm there, I sometimes get a sense of how the trees, animals, insects, birds, water dragons, humans, are all one living community there, all interconnected. 


I love the spiritual aspect of what you said about the vast cosmos being so wildly bigger than our own massive sun, bigger beyond comprehension. I too find comfort in wonderment at the vastness that we are part of. I find some measure of serenity in contemplating it all, some calm perspective. The microcosmic world is amazing too. 


@eth I like that Kev Carmody quote. I too find a dawning quality to the image. For me it evokes hope for the earth.


@greenpea the ginger cat I love is a fluffy one too. Also a drooler. One of the reasons he loves me is that none of the family will have him on their lap because of the drooling. Cat starved me doesn't mind. 


Hi @Teej @Appleblossom @Maggie @TAB (like your posts on the space theme too). Hi to anyone reading.


Re: Challenge of the day

Thanks @Mazarita ..... nature is grounding for me too ..... really not accessible much where I am living, but a (very) small park / picnic spot was put in close by where I live last year 🎉


There are trees around, thankfully, but also lotsa steel and glass.


Hi everyone 👋💕



Re: Challenge of the day

Hi @Faith-and-Hope guessing you have changed homes now. So sorry you are going through difficult times with family. From what I've read in your posts elsewhere, it sounds like you are moving through these issues with typical grace. 


Do you get out to the park? I've been for a couple of beach walks in recent weeks. Hoping to get myself out there again soon. Heart





Re: Challenge of the day

Not to the park at the moment @Mazarita ..... have to quarantine D2 which means quarantining myself as well.  

My cat is my little touch of nature at the moment .... and handling / cooking food.

Re: Challenge of the day

Sounds good, @Faith-and-Hope, grounded. Lovely to have a cat companion. 

Not applicable

Re: Challenge of the day

Hey @Teej, I love the creativity in this thread. You said anyone is welcome to post a challenge...

How about posting a picture of the last holiday destination you went to. Or the next place on your wishlist you'd go to if there were no barriers whatsoever!

My last trip was to Tasmania and Wineglass Bay was the most beautiful place we went to - Wineglass.png

Over to you @Mazarita @TAB @eth @Appleblossom @Exoplanet @Shaz51 

@Maggie @CheerBear @Owlunar @greenpea @Snowie Apologies if I haven't tagged everyone. 

Re: Challenge of the day

climbed down cliffs on one of many Nullabor tripsCape leveque north of Broome 2010eco tent near Broome ten ish years agook heres mine.. memories lol

Re: Challenge of the day

@TAB  Hey TABolini! still waiting in anticipation 😛

Re: Challenge of the day

Haha prob put them on here before, dont go on holiday that often @greenpea  lol

Not applicable

Re: Challenge of the day

Beautiful photos @TAB, and great to stay somewhere with a hammock Smiley Happy