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Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Just checking on you beautiful precious soul Sista ❤️


Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Thank you @Anastasia 🙏 

I'm okay. How about you? Been ages since we've seen you around here. 💕

And I note you posted in the middle of the night. Not sleeping? 

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Just sending a cheerio and cooee to you @Emelia8 

on your thread.


the pic of Hannah is beautiful. Having her as assistance dog makes sense. Hope the bureaucracy isn’t too bad 


we are enjoying our 2 new cats. I never realised dept of agriculture had a pet register before!


take care of yourself too 


we have walked together for a long time 


hugs apple



Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Cheereo back to you @Appleblossom  and it's lovely to see you here. 🌸💕. And yes that's true, we have walked our respective paths here together on Sane for a long time now. 


I appreciate the hugs too, especially at this time. It is anniversary day of my main trauma, and I've been battling some severe anxiety over the past day or so. 


My little Hannah is very sweet and her training is coming along quite well. In fact only today she has been assessed and officially accepted into the MindDog assistance dog program. She was only an applicant up until now, but is official now. She will now enter a 12 months training process before undergoing a PAT test at the end of that period.


So she is now a MindDog in training. Her accreditation card and vest should arrive in a few weeks. Once we have those then she has right of access to any public place. The hard work and training can begin then. For example supermarkets where there are lots of distractions. 😂🍗🥩🍔🥓. It's all a bit daunting, but also exciting.


I'm glad you have your cats 🐱💗 they are great company to have around.


For info @Jynx @Shaz51 @Eve7 @Bow @Snowie @tyme 

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

That is exciting for you and Hannah @Emelia8 

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Thats such good news about Hannah @Emelia8 especially knowing that she can now go anywhere.


Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

I am glad you have an interesting journey ahead with Hannah @Emelia8 sounds like it will be rich and rewarding. Hope it’s worth any challenges 

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

How's Hannah @Emelia8 ?


How's everyone else @Appleblossom @Snowie @Eve7 @Anastasia 

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Just doing one day at a time thanks @tyme How was your day?

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Hannah's good thanks @tyme 👍 

She was so good when the MindDog assessor was here this morning to assess her. Quite the little star. 😊💗🐕 I was very proud of my girl 😊