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Re: A long rave

I go feral too easily, @greenpeaSmiley Tongue

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita@CheerBear@Ant7@Sophia1 it is like mice and rats I try and I try to find something positive about them and I simply cannot......

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita you and me both Mazy ... you and me both Smiley Wink

Re: A long rave

I don't mind any creature as long as it's outside, @greenpea. And, if it's harmful to humans, preferably a long way from my door. Smiley Tongue

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita Want to hear another gross story?? @CheerBear@Ant7

Re: A long rave

Haha that is so cool @Mazarita, with the Batman song! I think I would have loved that!

I like bats sometimes too, but only outside ones though 😉 and not too close to me. Where I sit by the apricot tree, they come swooping at the fruit in the warmer months. So close to my head. These guys are pretty big too and it's a bit freaky. Good to hear you made progress with that video 😊

@greenpea bit of a going feral fan myself, when I'm in the right mood! That sounds like great fun last night 😁

Re: A long rave

@greenpea Yeah 

last week my son made himself a snack with nuts and dried fruit and such. He came down stairs and said there are some strange little worms in this.

 Yeah maggots in the nuts they had been open for about 6months but they were sealed so who knows 

Re: A long rave

@Ant7@CheerBear@Mazarita Okay we were renting a house and in the middle of the night I could hear all this munching .... I went down the stairs and from behind the air conditioning unit I could hearing this crunching sound ..... I got my broom and started to bang the unit when out sprang this enormous bush rat across the corners of the room!!!! it ran under the sofa so I got my broom and was banging onto the sofa as it ran back again across the room back into the back of the airconditining unit where I presume there is a hole big enough for it to enter the house! But wait there is more ....

Re: A long rave

@Ant7 Maggots just gross me out!!!!

Re: A long rave

Yuck, @Ant7, and it was only last week! There was a woman I lived next door to in a boarding house I lived when I was younger. Her flat always had this strange smell. It was strongest in the kitchen. One time I was in there and saw a ceramic baking dish with a lid on the floor pushed into a corner. It was there forever. She went away on holidays one time and asked me to look after the flat. Finally I looked in the baking dish and it was full of maggots from some ancient cooking adventure. Goodness knows why she put in the corner there. Can't even remember what I did with it! Later, I moved into that flat, lol.

@greenpea @CheerBear