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Re: A long rave

Good night here, @CheerBear. No sleep yet but productive video stuff. I'm not sure I'm ever going to be able to give up these all nighters, at least sometimes. 

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita@CheerBear@Ant7 I think because it was winter and very cold where we were living and it was in the chimney ... taught me a lesson never rent a place with a chimney!!!!

Re: A long rave

I've lived in very old, sometimes condemnable places when I was younger. They had fireplaces too and they were drafty in winter, @greenpea. I prefer the heat to the cold, although I have to admit the hot summer past was a bit hard (so much sweating!!!)

Re: A long rave

That's pretty gross @greenpea! We had a little bat fall down from the ceiling at family house one time. We were watching tv in the late night and all of a sudden it was flapping around the room. It was so scary! We couldn't get it to go back up in to the roof and had to leave it to find it's own way back. When we woke up it wasn't there anymore and we assumed it had made its way home until a disgusting stench started filling the lounge room. Then it became a hunt to find what shelf/crack/corner it had made its final resting place 🤤 So gross!

Glad you managed some productive video stuff @Mazarita. Is it the same one you were a little stuck with yesterday morning?

Re: A long rave

Yes I agree re: last summer .... I just stayed inside most of the time @Mazarita it was too hot last summer for this lil soggy pea and I didnt know what to wear as I had put on weight .... *sigh* I will have to buy some more clothing and lose some more weight before next summer.

Re: A long rave

@CheerBear Ewww! That is up there with my maggot story CheerBear. Did you ever find it? and bats carry diseases ewww! I don't like bats at all. My ex loves them (he is a very strange man, nice but strange).

Re: A long rave

We had to find it @greenpea because the smell was absolutely awful! It had fallen behind a cabinet. For a tiny creature it was so gross! Its an old, wonky house in bush and the critters and creatures that are there - no thanks! My cats (indoor, pampered, city cats) love visiting there though and go full feral when they're there 😁

Re: A long rave

I like the fruit bats (aka flying foxes) around here, @greenpea@CheerBear. In Brisbane I lived on the 5th floor of a building on a hille with wide views of the sky. So many bats in that city! It was awesome watching them fly from their roosts at dusk. Reminds me too that there was this great dj at a club I used to go to there who did a live cover of the theme from 'Batman'. It seemed like a Brisbane anthem, the crowd totally went off!

Re: A long rave

@CheerBear, yes it was the same one I was struggling with just yesterday. Smiley Happy

Re: A long rave

@CheerBear@Mazarita Your kitties let their fur down literally and go feral! I love that! that is what Mazy, @Zoe7 @The-red-centaur@eth  and I were up to last night going feral  across the east coast of Australia :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D