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Re: Just checking in.

Hey @PeppiPatty, thanks for tagging me, my friend. ox

Good to hear how you are going. I like Little Buddhas list. Sometimes I need to write basic things on lists to myself too. Like: 1. Get out of bed. I wasn't out of bed much between about 7.30 last night and 3.30 today. Thankfully my friend rang, her brother picked me up to come to their place. Still here, writing on my mobile at the outside table. It's chilly but not too bad. We had delicious meatballs, mash and gravy for dinner. 

It's so wonderful you had the holiday to see your brothers, and visited places you'd never been before. I admire that you are studying.

Lists are my friends too, except when I fail to do a single thing off them for too many days ina row. Then, they seem unhelpful to my self esteem. I try for a balance of list sometimes, others no list. But I can see how valuable lists are to you in your busy life.

Great that you are around here more lately, PP. Good to see and chat with you. ox πŸ™‚

Not applicable

Re: Just checking in.

@PeppiPattyHeart @Appleblossom Heart@Shaz51HeartWoman Happy

Hi, My @Shaz51Heart where is that Cutest Ever Little, Green Baby Frog?   Did you show her to, @PeppiPatty@Appleblossom, I need one of those Frogs. She is so adorable, I can't stop thinking about her.Woman WinkHeart Big Baby I am!Woman LOLWoman Tongue

I like her, nearly as much as I love, Kermit the Frog!HeartWoman Wink

Love & BIGGEST Hugs!Heart

Bella XXXOOO  πŸ™‚  Woman Very Happy

Not applicable

Re: Just checking in.

I am pleased to see you back too @PeppiPatty 😘😁❀

Re: Just checking in.

  I feel a little teary that your saying hello and that your happy I came back @Former-Member @Former-Member @Mazarita @Jacques @xtine @Appleblossom @Former-Member @Former-Member @Former-Member @outlander @Former-Member my special friend @Shaz51 @BlueBay

Love is in the air.....

@TAB @Zoe1 @xtine @Adge  @Anony18 @Faith-and-Hope 

@Determined @Former-Member @Former-Member @Former-Member @Former-Member @NikNik  @plasmo @Splash @DisplayNameimages-3.jpeg

Gives me a reason...

I don't know if I'm busy I just like staying busy so I don't have a reason to have to clean the unit. 

I'm thrilled that my youngest son has a person to hang onto, his Grandfather, on his Dad's side who will watch over him now. 

Those lists.........

Yeah, I have list making notes from the newsagent and have one on my fridge with things I need to do but it's a process. I've done none of what is on the list yet. ......

But the list is written and let's see if I can do it tomorrow........

It's a process ......


Re: Just checking in.

Hi @PeppiPatty πŸ˜€ you’ve caught me in middle of weird sleep pattern turnover been doing nightshift last few nights with new/old employer and had a few struggles in head with that night before last but they have opened their arms again and it seemed to go well overall. I hope you’re okay. I like you or the idea of you if that makes sense. A bit like one irl f friend maybe. Can be most wonderful person in the world then disappears Oh well. Maybe it’s .. me .. 😳

Re: Just checking in.

@PeppiPatty ❀

Re: Just checking in.

And yes re lists same here I still have untickied/forgetten/important ones from woo .. 10yrs ago wtf lol @PeppiPatty

Re: Just checking in.

You are loved on the forum from a long way back, @PeppiPatty. Just checked your profile and see that you've been on the forum for almost four years! You are like living history of the forum, all the people who have come, stayed or left. Many of us need breaks from the forum though. I'm just always happy to see you around, chat is bonus. Heart Woman Happy

Lol to staying busy so you don't have to clean the unit. I can relate to that, except that I make myself busy with my creative stuff. Have you been able to create some poems and/or art lately? I guess not because of the busy-ness with other things, like studying.

It's good to hear your youngest son has formed a bond with his grandfather. That sounds like a meaningful relationship.

Re: Just checking in.

I like you too @outlander !! That is you getting love in me that I  like so much !! Thank you !! 

Back to you ! xxx

Huh @TAB....ooohhh, you mean those lists I still have in my diaries from over 10 years ago which I didn't do ?? 

curses...yes.....found out .......


Re: Just checking in.

Uh yeah but did mean re moi @PeppiPatty nice to see you again anyways