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Re: Just checking in.

That’s gorgeous @PeppiPatty, thank you ..... 💐🌷💕💐🌷💕💐

Re: Just checking in.

@Teej - just checking in to see how you got on today and whether you made a decision about taking that little break, if you can and would like to share (wasn't sure where to post so I hope it's OK here).

Either way, hope today was OK enough for you 💗

Re: Just checking in.

Thanks @CheerBear. I have mostly decided I’ll go. I didn’t speak to them today (they didn’t return my call). I’m not sure if I’ve missed out or not. 


Today has has been so very mixed again. Much like yesterday but more intense. I have got through though. I kind of cracked this morning. The surprising thing for me is I’ve come through it for now. I know I’m not out of the woods but have taken steps to get out. I even asked for help from my family, they have taken my dog because I was in such a bad place. I put my suicide shirt on today. It’s the one I’ve attempted in. I’m about to take it off and put it away. No self harm or self medication (as of now). I know that sounds dramatic and I didn’t want to be a drama queen but I did this all by myself which is kind of a first. 


I hope your your day with lf has been good. Haven’t been on the forum for a bit. Will read now. I know you may have unplugged. 💜🤗


Re: Just checking in.

hey @Teej i dont know if youve seen but all 12 boys and the coach have been rescued!

Re: Just checking in.

Hi @Teej. Thanks for replying and letting us know ☺ Crossing my fingers that you get that break if that's what you've decided on.

Sorry today was even more intense than yesterday but it sounds like you've done so well again. You do the getting through thing Teej. It's super hard sometimes and it would be so much better if it wasn't that hard, but you do it 😊

Today was pretty good thanks. I'm tired and heading to bed in a moment 😴

Hope tomorrow goes well ❤

Re: Just checking in.

Yeah thanks @outlander. I’ve been getting alerts. Great news hey. 😊


Night @CheerBear. Tomorrow is another crunch day and then hopefully I’ll settle a bit and not be so crazy. I have part of my psych assessment tomorrow and I’m petrified. I’ve had so many stories in my head about it. 💜🤗



Re: Just checking in.

Had a feeling/memory that might be on tomorrow @Teej. Really hoping that once this part is over, you'll find your more settled place. It makes sense that its really hard to settle while this is happening. Not sure how you go with assessments, but that word alone is like the highway to crazy town for me 😜

Rainbow walk there? I found purple flowers on one today 😊 You can do this.

Nighty night (night @outlander and @Faith-and-Hope who I see about too)

Re: Just checking in.

it is @Teej very good news

good night @CheerBear sleep well

hello @Faith-and-Hope were you at uni today?

Re: Just checking in.

F&H >> ☺️🌱 ..... 💤



c u 2moro

Re: Just checking in.

goodnight @Faith-and-Hope sleep well