21-06-2015 09:15 PM
21-06-2015 09:15 PM
Thank @Crazy_Bug_Lady & @Former-Member I never really knew how it worked!
I love going to the show (I'm in Syd, so it's the Easter Show) so now I will know when I see the cattle, what to look for 🙂 😉
21-06-2015 09:33 PM
21-06-2015 09:33 PM
I havent been to a major capital city show in about 10 years, i used to loooove working at the show so exciting! Maybe one day i'll take the kids when they're a bit bigger 😄
12-07-2015 10:20 AM
12-07-2015 10:20 AM
Hi folks,
Hope everyone's Sunday is going well and you're all keeping warm! It's freezing!!....have to admit I love a good cold wintry day as long as I don't have to get out in it too much. Here's my plan for later on....
What fun things are other people getting up to?
12-07-2015 12:14 PM
12-07-2015 12:14 PM
Its so cold here! we are all rugged up with blankets, I did have the heater on when we first got up but so behind in electricity bill already i cant keep it on. We might go to the library later, we usually go on Sunday, the kids love it there.
12-07-2015 05:42 PM
12-07-2015 05:42 PM
I had a lazy day with doona on my lap. I did not drive into town but just did chauffeurring for son, to and from work.
So the good thing for him was that it was too cold for people to go out so they went flat out but could just take it steadily.
Hi @Former-Member Libraries are awesome,
12-07-2015 06:58 PM
12-07-2015 06:58 PM
hehe i decided not to go today, weather was just awful looking outside all day. Kids are getting a bit bored inside the house though, so i probably should have. oh well! its going to be abusy enough week for us all.
12-07-2015 07:12 PM
12-07-2015 07:12 PM
12-07-2015 07:34 PM
12-07-2015 07:34 PM
oh what a shame, it is freezing in NSW i had 3 layers of clothing, and a heater on, still cold. i will be thinking of you this week, you poor thing, i hope it all gets sorted out so you can move on.
have you found someone to look after the little ones? maybe a neighbour can help.
i hope the cold didn't make the flu worse. i know how the cold can freshen up the flu.
i have got a hot water bottle, can't afford heater either, sleeping bag and hot water bottle are life savers.
12-07-2015 08:18 PM
12-07-2015 08:18 PM
brrrrr... the one thing about farms is... the work doesnt go away no matter the weather 😞 i hate being out in the cold and wet! used to work in the vineyards in holidays and hated it when it was wet!
Glad you inside now, hope you are slowly defrosting @Crazy_Bug_Lady !!
My kitten (almost fullgrown now) is purring on my lap and keeping me warm!
17-07-2015 09:59 AM
17-07-2015 09:59 AM
I am feeling the weekend early today - I have solved a BIG problem at work (potentially one of the underlying sources of my current bout of anxiety) and now there is light at the end of this particular tunnel. I am all bouncy and chuffed. The rest of today should be easy.
I am off into town to catch up with a very good friend tonight - she is celebrating a new job.
The forecast for the weekend is not too wet (though still cold) and I am hoping to do some work in the garden (so many weeds!), clean out the chicken coop and clean the house a bit. Maybe do some baking.
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