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Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Welcome to the forums @dr-ev-md

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

9 short weeks I called you mine

But sadly it was not your time 

You grew your angel wings too so

I will love you always angel number 10

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy



The boundaries unclear,

not made of lines,

but feelings and instincts.


Oh dimensional spaces ,

which words

to listen to?


The tango of attraction,

the dualities wide

with undulations.


This push and pull,

this name in

the sand.


Now is the time

when all things


Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

We reach out,

heart, mind and soul,

with creativity,

and with sorrow.


We walk

side by side

without a body

between us.


Recognition, the spark

of compassion,

and understanding

of spirit journeys.


How much we

know each other,

measured in pieces,

as in life.


This dream we

make together

sees us through

the lonely times.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Paper people

Easily thrown away

You write your story

On our heart

You know how

To tear us apart

Once your done

You move to another page

But paper people

Feel the loss

Paper people

Dont count the cost

Paper people 

Can't be uses over and over

Pages become worn

Pages become torn

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

I am really freaking annoyed at the situation I'm waking up too everyday! I have great amounts of animosity toward the big picture of society for allowing this too happen to me. I question and doubt what the mental health system is doing to me... I honestly think they don't really know what they're messing with (but they mess with me anyway)... Every time I have a revelation and epiphany of truth, I'm really quite shocked, strict down and horrified about what is being revealed to myself - bye myself. Because it is literally like a nightmare, it is literally like a sentence of torture, and nobody really cares! Because there is nothing in it for themselves! In all honesty! I'm very bitter, twisted, angry, spiteful and full of hatred! It's very unnatural! And it's not happening for no reason! I didn't just wake up one day and feel this way! It's a direct result of dealing with the big picture of society! And I'm very tired of having to deal with it...

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

For as much justice, right and good they think they are doing... There is just as much injustice, wrong and bad being committed... And they are literally that far down the path of denial... They'll probably never ever know any better... And it's shameful...

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Night and Day


From a dark


the miracle

of waking.


From tossing

and turning

to sunlight

and walking.


A jaunt of a

bus ride,

up hill, into



A simple

back yard

overseen by

high clouds.


Then media

screening to

fill up the



And soon to 

return to the 

that blackly

lit dreaming.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Another sudden awakening, another bout with the demons within, another victory for my soul.

The rain comes down, as if it were a sign from the heavens, about the fruitful season to come.

I'm not lost, I'm not alone, I'm simply yearning to go home, to be at peace once more, to see the light of day.

So many times, I've been here before, the gore of my mind, and the games my mind plays.

It is a sweet full and bliss feeling, too be so close, yet to be so far away, the vision of my day is in disarray.

The ticking click, let's me know, that time has not stopped, the lamps light, soothes my weary soul.

With my feet up on the coffee table, and my mind now at rest, I can take a sigh of relief, and see clearly.

The dark morning is mine, I do not care about time, nor do I fret about the day ahead.

I have been blessed.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

I particularly like the description;
'the gore of my mind'
Thanks for sharing that
eudemonism 🙂