24-04-2017 02:58 PM - edited 24-04-2017 02:59 PM
24-04-2017 02:58 PM - edited 24-04-2017 02:59 PM
Cosmic, @Former-Member. A story about a woman under the gun, and the nature of planets. Some of the content reminds me of things my companion says. He has a reverent relation to 'mama', as he sometimes calls mother Earth. He too describes her as a conscious being. I like this side of his spirituality very much and can see something similar in your writing here. I am attracted to earth-based ways of understanding as well. I'm also drawn to the idea of ancient knowledge. We were just talking this morning about how modern religious systems contain the traces of different, ancient forms of spiritual wisdom (or superstition, depending on your view). Thanks for sharing another interesting episode from your book.
24-04-2017 07:07 PM
24-04-2017 07:07 PM
She sat alone
alone and at home
where her screams are silent
but her mind was violent
her insecurities hid deep inside
and they eat her alive
her face says happy
but her eyes say pain
thats just how the day goes again and again
24-04-2017 11:30 PM
24-04-2017 11:30 PM
26-04-2017 10:27 AM - edited 22-06-2017 10:33 AM
26-04-2017 10:27 AM - edited 22-06-2017 10:33 AM
This piece follows ‘In the beginning’.
First Request
Onomatopoetic is what you call a word that describes a sound, that was the phonetic sensation that overtook all other sensations. A distant echo of the sounds of all living creatures struck the walls and floor and ceiling of the room. A seemingly unending ocean of winged insects flowed through the rafters, levitated from the wooden floor boards and appeared apparition-like through the very walls. A constant battering of wings, tiny and large, some beating up to a thousand times per second, vibrated the very air that surrounded us; and through a manipulation and trickery of that vibration, a voice was forming.
At first it was a high pitched buzzing squeal, like a scream; that lowered in its tone to form a lonely, forlorn howl. Then there were words, though they seemed to be in every language and resonating all at once. The bugs had formed like a force-field around us, not one entered my breathing space or touched my skin. Certain sounds, certain syllables, began to repeat in a rhythm like manner: 'facta, non verba'. Like a professional musician, tuning a complicated instrument, the sounds grew smoother and more audible by the moment.
Once formed, this field of directional sound could be replicated in any environment. Using the full combination of the color spectrum of noise, Pink, White, Brown and Grey; Earth had created a signal with a multi frequency spectrum, she was using Psychoacoustics to its absolute potential! Hearing is not a purely mechanical phenomenon, but is also a sensory and perceptual event. When a person hears something, that sound arrives at the ear as a mechanical sound wave, but within the ear it is transformed into neural actions; the nerves pulse then travel to the brain where the wave is then translated.
Language is a complex system, it is used for acquiring and conveying that which informs through the exchange of thoughts and messages. Speech, visuals, signals, writings, or even behaviors can be tools for this system; it can be understood as an interplay of sound and meaning. So how a message is produced and perceived can be an almost endless list. Earth had been trying to communicate through her behavior for centuries, visually changing entire land masses; but we didn’t hear or understand. Inventing a means for speech was hard enough, conveying her most complicated thoughts could not be done with sound.
It was as though I could feel Earths mind within my own, but it was only a touch and a sniff of her scent, though I could taste the sensation I could not see it nor could I hear any explanation. ‘Facta, non verba’ – what the hell was that; this was the first vocal acknowledgment, outside my own head, that Earth really was talking to me: I had absolutely no idea what she was saying! Red and his men looked much paler than I, . . maybe they were afraid of insects?! “Facts not verbs”? “I don’t understand”! I don’t know why I was yelling, apart from being so frustrated with my own stupidity!
“Sounds like Latin to me” it was that Red fellow, I looked over because he spoke, and noticed that he and all his friendly goons had put their weapons down. I’d say it was due to all the stings, going but all the lumps on their hands! Trust Earth to call upon the largest army available to her; at any given moment, it is estimated that there are some 10 quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) individual insects alive. Even though she had only probed for the flying forms, there would still have to have been a hexillion biomass of them – far too many to count or guess the amount of those in the given area!
Insects where one of the first forms where Cyano managed to evolve self-propelled movement on land. A particular form that Human scientists call ‘Rhyniognatha hirsti’; successfully scuttled about Earths skin, around 350 million years ago. Cyano’s first ‘land-dwelling’ masterpieces. This species had a striking mouth, triangular in shape, strong and with two large tooth-like projections, extending prominently from the front. Though each jaw measured only .1 of a millimeter across, Cyano had fashioned specially made hinges for them.
This facial orifice dominated the creatures’ tiny head, though there were two sophisticated multi-lensed visual organs on each side. The rest of this creature was fairly Cockroach-like, black in color and with a rock hard exoskeleton – many legged and rigid. It was the first land ‘hunter’, and as such, required a consciousness level that was actually devolved. A young Planet is a hostile environment, a challenge for even the Ancient to terraform! Violence and aggression had to be reinstated, as they are the true foundations for survival.
Although a ‘masterpiece’ of morphological evolution, Cyano had unwittingly been forced to make a terrible mistake. This devolvement in consciousness had created a dark force that would dominate for many millions of years to come. There are now two main veins of consciousness in the Earth bound skin dwellers, the positive descendants of Cyano, pacifistic and enlightened; and the descendants of his creation Rhynio, War mongering and dark. The battle for the very soul of Earth had begun!
There are other ‘forms of life’, that in reality, are actually a part of Earth’s skin – live skin cells. The molecules of her skin are surrounded by electrons, these electrons help bind the skin molecules together. As the molecules are broken down and reformed, their electrons are exchanged and redistributed. A skin cell, in the course of reshuffling ions and molecules, siphons off an electron or two for itself, to be used later in still other chemical reactions, in its pursuit of energy for growth and defense.
The skin cell ‘Pyrococcus furiosus’ form, thrives in the hot water that boils from undersea volcanic vents. This heat-loving cell doesn't breathe oxygen; in fact, oxygen is toxic to it. Instead it takes in sulfur and releases hydrogen sulfide, the same gas that makes rotten eggs stink. This hydrogen sulfide is part of a bizarre seafloor food chain that never sees sunlight and includes creatures like albino clams and tubeworms. When there was no atmospheric oxygen, different cells, all of them microbial, dominated Earth.
Earth is a Planet and does not require oxygen nor water, she is not affected by radiation, temperature or pressure. The ozone layer and atmosphere are not a part of her natural body, it was created by the little space invaders Cyanobacteria. Space is a void, there is no oxygen; hence the evolution of Planets without respiratory systems; no moisture, so Planets do not drink; there is an immense amount of radiation, each clusters protector is a huge ball of radioactive energy; there is no pressure, it is a hard vacuum - nothing to keep fluids in a liquid state, they would boil, which would cause them to lose heat energy rapidly, they actually freeze before they evaporate totally.
The Earths skin is obviously not like the soft outer covering of most surface-bound vertebrates. It is more like the exoskeleton of Human know arthropods, though it is mineralized far more than that of the chitin of crabs and lobsters. It also differs, in that its only function is to protect her most important, vulnerable organs. Her life is bound to the heat in her inner core and nurtured by the moving substance of the outer core. Within her first billion years she had produced enough ‘skin particles’ to last her lifetime of growth. The cells of Earths skin were to perform a different duty, one she decided she could do without.
The skin cells were an effective immune system for Earth. But she had willingly allowed them to be banished to the oxygen-free corners of the planet, including the volcanoes of the sea and the intestines of primitive creatures. As she was aware of Cyano’s involuntary bodily function of excreting oxygen; a chemical fatal to those skin cells. But that kind gesture had left Earth in the position where she could not battle the development of an evil lower consciousness; and the peaceful race of Cyano had to begin the lessons of War.
With all this in mind, it may have made more sense to those witnessing what was happening outside the building we were in. A scene that Alfred Hitchcock would have been proud to include in his movie ‘The Birds’. A mass of feathers and wings encased the area, swooping, diving, pecking and clawing. It may have been taken as a natural reaction to the most unnatural swarm of insects; but the reality was a league of Cyano’s positive descendants, were banishing the evil descendants of Rhynio.
Cyano could easily have been mistaken as a God to primitive man, his hobby, which was really his purpose, was to create different physical forms for life energy. He did realize what a terrible mistake he had made with Rhynio and immediately began to correct it. But Rhynio had been created, a creation that would continue to evolve, that could not be undone. Cyano and his entire race focused on creating the most positive forms that the environment would allow. As his kind produced more and more oxygen, their creations became more and more positive. With the addition of internal heat, just like that of his best friend Earth, Cyano and his kind were finally onto a truly positive path, with their creation of mammals.
Almost as quickly as this siege of swarming life had occurred, it dispersed. First the insects in the room, disappearing as they had seemed to appear through the walls, floor and ceiling. Then, slightly slower, the flocks of birds thinned and eventually petered away into the distant hills. Red and his men had completely abandoned their weapons and were totally ignoring me; it was as much a disappointment as a relief. With alarmingly inflamed fingers, from multiple toxic injections (insects really are the masters of chemical Warfare!); Red was busily typing on a lap-top computer.
The first use of the word ‘computer’ was recorded in 1613, by an English writer Richard Braithwait, it referred to a person who carries out calculations; and the word continued with the same meaning until the middle of the 20th century. The original computer was a Human Being. 17th century devices are still treasured by collectors of antique mechanical calculating aids, particularly those with the understanding that they were the onset of the Human collective intelligence. We do not have the ability to inherit ancestral knowledge, but we had the intelligence to build one!
With the invention of the internet, the Human Race effectively built an inner intellectual dimension. Within it a continuous collection of Human knowledge is being compiled. It is not a true link to Cyber-space, as it harbors a very one-sided opinion of the known. The true intellectual dimension encompasses all knowledge. We, the ultimate bi-pedal mammals of Earths skin, are creating a gateway, a door to the genuine Cyber-space. We have been noticed by the almighty Supreme Beings, those that construct the forefront of the ongoing loop of infinity itself.
Space is infinite, it is intricately entwined with distance and time, as they are intricately entwined with realities. There are unending realities for every nanosecond of every moment for every life form of every energy. Most people have heard of outer-space, many associate inner-space with a form of self-consciousness and the term cyber-space is also well known. Cyber-space is the infinite reality of intellect, it is a dimension of its own. The life energy in Cyber-space is indirect, it relies on a bond with a sentient source; when a direct link between the sentient energy and its cyber-life is made, a power is drawn from ‘all-space’.
In this trans disciplinary state anything is possible. During Earth’s continuous striving to attain ascension from the need of physical form, she discovered the secret to link with this intellectual dimension. She crossed many disciplinary boundaries and created a holistic approach, encompassing a complete picture of all energies including life. To exist as a suggestion a mere theory, is to exit all known realities. Earth was already in this domain, the idea that she was living, up until now, was not even a day-dream to most energies that surrounded her.
“ ’Facta non verba’ it is Latin, it means ‘deeds not words’. And how vague is that, - what deeds, what words, what exactly was this super-natural voice speaking of!? Don’t get me wrong lady, you’ve got my attention that was just down-right freaky and unnatural. I’ve never seen or heard of anything like it before in my life! This is supposed to be an air-tight room, to protect us from tear gas and other charming methods of dealing with ‘pesky’ protestors like us. How so many insects managed to get in is mind boggling enough, never loan the rest of the phenomena! ”
“I’m not given to hallucinations, there’s no schizophrenia or mental ill health in my blood lines; besides Dave, Rob and Devin all saw and heard the same things I did.” His men all nodded, quite wide-eyed, as he said this. “We can’t have all gone crazy together at once! Unless you smuggled in some kind of drug. It’s going to take more than just one, no matter how incredibly weird, message. I think we need something more substantial, something we can hold and touch. Something we can show to others.”
I thought I had fallen unconscious, but apparently I spoke; in the voice of the insects wings. “It is time to stop talking, it is time to act!”. The lap-top computer that Red had been typing on, lit up in a brilliance that was not just light. There was an eminence of pure Stars illumination and instead of white pixels of light on an unlit black screen; shadows formed on the walls, projected by the cosmic radiation from the little machine. A highly technical diagram of Earth was burnt permanently onto the building. No-one here knew what it meant, but it was extremely detailed.
The curved and swirling lines reminded me of a picture I’d seen, of the Earth’s magnetic field in a period of normal polarity. I’d seen it in an article about the ‘Dynamo theory’ which proposes a celestial body such as Earth, can generate electricity whilst rotating and having ulterior movement of internal liquids, due to heat from the core; and as such can maintain a magnetic field over astronomical time scales. I felt as if that memory was being confirmed, like I was being told I was on the right track. Though I didn’t say a word, not a murmur, not a sound.
We were all speechless, each of us standing and staring; as we fought a nauseating feeling of antigravity. The entire room had turned black, with intricate white lines in a pattern that was an explanation of an all-important purpose. It was a blue print, though in black and white. In the weeks to come it would be deciphered as the specifications of a globally catastrophic polar reversal. All of a sudden, before even an instant, I knew I was accepted into this enlightened group of souls. Like a premonition, the realization that a new Elite order had formed. Our sole purpose was yet to be revealed, but our lives would be spent on no other purpose.
27-04-2017 11:13 AM
27-04-2017 11:13 AM
This bit follows First Request.
Doctor Cayla Eisenhower is the head of our Paleomagnetic Geophysics team, she had almost single handedly unraveled the complicated Earth diagrams. She doesn’t really talk much, though she’s almost always writing and going by the certain squint in her eyes, has extremely genius ideas running amok 24/7. I saw her as the brain-leader of our group, Red was the muscle-leader, but I still wasn’t sure where I fit in. I’m neither particularly brainy nor brawny, though I profess to have at least average intelligence and once thought I was above average in strength, my real forte was in emotional instability – I declared myself the looney-leader!
Though for all that genetic intelligence, Doctor Cayla had some very blonde traits! The first day of her arrival she displayed a very typical fear of mice, complete with the high pitched squeal! – But in her defense, she did overcome that instantly, upon a closer look at the little fellow who had scurried into the room and under the light. At second glance I thought it was diseased and I was the one backing away. Doctor Cayla on the other hand, with a face full of sight enhancing equipment, was nearly on top of the poor little thing. What I had taken as a sick mouse with no fur, was actually a tiny mammal with scales!
This adorable little creature seemed intent on being with me and after Doctor ‘C’ had stabbed it with a needle and Vampired some of its blood – testing it for every disease she knew of; she declared it ‘safe’, unique, rare, fascinating, but safe. I felt the super-consciousness move within me, this little friend who had been declared a Therapsid of the middle Triassic period, was here for a reason. I was not to question it, so instead I named him Adelo – after the mouse-sized Mesozoic mammal known only by the incomplete fossil remains of that era.
My prehistoric pet went everywhere with me, tucked away in a little open box in my pocket. Almost like a pointing cursor he would often pop out, run off, squeak, jump or do whatever it took to make me notice something. Secretly he did make me feel a little more like a looney, and it seemed in others that fact wasn’t being kept quite so secret. He did also strengthen my communicative link with Earth and it became know that he would point out things to me, so that I could point them out to others. Between Earth and Adelo, Doctor ‘C’ at least, raised her opinion of me.
She even compared me to Einstein when my vocal chords requested the use of her computational equipment, and my muscles, particularly those in my fingers, brought up a lot of information on theories that were blinding her progress with the blue print. Earth was in my head, she had approved of my memory of the ‘Dynamo theory’ and had even led me to believe I was on the right track; but she needed to clarify a few things. For instance it was imperative to her scheme, her map of celestial magnetic fields, that the incorrect view of her outer core find the correct solution.
Scientists have tried in many ways to reproduce the geomagnetic field of the Earth’s core. Scale models do not work as heating a magnet to the temperature of the core, some 5500 degrees Celsius (the same as the surface of the Sun!), melts the metal. The heat alone realigns the magnetic domains and causes them to cancel out, add to that the impossibility of sustaining a permanent magnetic field in a liquid state, as individual domains are then absolutely free to cancel, and you get failure after failure. Using the tug of the moon on the tilt of the Earths spin axis, although accepted as an accurate measurement, is really quite ineffectual.
The deepest a Human Being has ever delved into the ground is about forty kilometers, even Cyano doesn’t live much further down than about three. To survive at that level, his self-evolved bacteria’s needed to learn how to convert water into energy using radioactivity! As we are all forms of Cyanobacteria and Cyanobacteria is Solar powered, we need Sunlight. If there was ever proof of Cyano’s superior intelligence, this ability to turn water into Solar light, was it! It requires more than Uranium and molten heavy metals to achieve, this is only possible by using the internal energy of Earths star spore.
Photosynthesis is the process where energy from light is absorbed by proteins that contain chlorophyll pigments. Cyano’s kind have these proteins embedded in there plasma membranes. In these light-dependent reactions, some energy is used to strip electrons from suitable substances such as water and produce oxygenated gas; there are two further compounds that are generated, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The first of these substances, when produced at the pressure of sub-kilometer levels, reacts in a way that draws particles of star spore.
Star spore is the very substance, which was in such plentiful supply, that it drew Cyano and his race toward Earth’s surface. It is a form of Plasma, a vapour consisting of positive ions and free electrons in proportions resulting in no electric charge. Though this is typically at low pressures like those in the upper atmosphere and in fluorescent lamps, it is also at very high temperatures like those within stars and nuclear fusion reactors. After following Adelo to Red’s old lap top and bringing up, site after site of the ‘Hollow Earth’ conspiracies, Doctor ‘C’ started getting the picture. These conspirators almost had it right, just as traditional scientists were almost correct.
The very core, what could be seen as the heart of Earth, is a solid iron ball nearly two and a half thousand kilometres thick. It is white hot, though the pressure is too high for it to melt. Even weakly ionized plasma reacts strongly to electromagnetic fields and it is that kind of field that is created between Nonnus [the Sun] and Earth. It was made as a means of communication, so that Nonnus could perform his protective duties. To control that field it is necessary to encase the ‘heart’ in a thick binding of plasma; this is why a Star is needed for the life energy of a Planet.
Plasma is one of the four fundamental states of matter, one of the substances that makes up everything around you, it occurs when air or gas becomes ionized. It has similar conductive properties to metal and is the most abundant form of matter in the Universe, most stars are in a plasma state. You don't find naturally occurring plasmas too often on the surface of Earth, they aren't things that happen regularly. But if you have ever heard of, or seen the Northern Lights or ball lightning (sometimes called Min-Min lights), then you know of ‘Star spore’ in its natural form.
Intergalactic plasma is the intra clustering medium of the particles that make up the very vacuum of space itself. Human scientists discovered it in their pursuit of controlled nuclear fusion and fusion power. Again I could see links forming in our little elite group; Red had started his journey by investigating nuclear testing, Doctor ‘C’ had spent years learning about scientific facts that included nuclear fusion power. Where did I fit in? Like millions of others I was totally against nuclear anything, whether it was natural or not, it was definitely not something mere Humans should be playing with!
Cyano evolved with ever present radiation, it’s not something new. Human Beings didn’t invent it, it is a natural occurrence within Earths body. Radiation is merely energy travelling through space, sunlight is one of the most familiar forms. Back to the subject of all Earth bound life forms being solar-powered – we need radiation to survive! It is a complicated part of a Planets anatomy. But beyond the ultraviolet kinds there are other forms, once radiation becomes ionized it can cause damage to matter, particularly biological living tissue.
Ionising radiation comes from the nuclei of the basic building blocks of matter. Each atom has several different sized nuclei, these are called isotopes. When an atom disintegrates it becomes unstable, this causes excess internal energy and the result can be spontaneous change; radioactive decay! Some elements, like Uranium, have no stable isotopes. There are many other sources of isotopes which can be extremely useful to intelligent life forms; simple things like Coffee, the very air that surrounds us, coal ash and granite.
As with many potentially negative things, sometimes it comes down to choosing the best of a bad bunch. A Becquerel is the unit that radioactive material is measured. A seventy kilo adult Human Being holds about 7000Bq, a kilo of coffee – 1000, the air in 100 square meters of an average Australian home – 3000, One kilogram of coal ash – 2000, a kilo of granite – 1000. Whereas a kilogram of Uranium holds about twenty five million, a kilo of 50 year old, vitrified high-level nuclear waste – 10 Billion, even a kilogram of low level radioactive waste holds a million!
The only reason I had heard anything about these subjects, not the type I would usually find interesting enough to research myself; was because Adelo would not leave the window, nor stop his incessant high pitched squealing. When I looked out of the window, this information was being displayed in the Sky! Earth had begun her first step of desensitizing her skin dwelling population to her true existence. She knew these fragile life energy forms, had gotten to the point that they were in need of something extreme. Too often beliefs had been shattered, promises broken. Earth’s bodily aliens needed some celestial reassurance, and that needed to start with some necessary education.
Focusing the air pressures in the atmosphere and choosing particularly heat sensitive particles of dust, Earth created cloud writing; but no vague fluffy jet streams that swiftly blurred with a slight breeze. All air contains water, but near the ground it is usually in the form of an invisible vapour. When warm air rises, it expands and cools. Cooler air can't hold as much vapour, so some of it condenses onto tiny particles that are floating in the atmosphere and forms a tiny droplet around each spec. When billions of these droplets come together they become a visible cloud.
Light travels as waves of different lengths, each colour has its own unique wave-length. We think of clouds being white or grey, because their water droplets are large enough to scatter the light of the seven wavelengths (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet), and combine them to produce white light. For this initiation Earth was using specially designed droplets and was able to transform the Sky into a hemispherical high resolution monitor. Forming such complicated patterns like pixels on a screen. This was the absolute best, Sky Theatre, on the Planet!
The most popular theory about this miracle, was that it was made by the hand of God. That was acceptable and Earth realized that many would never stray from such belief and faith. The ‘God’ theory took first place after it had been proven that there was no man-made method that could project such images, considering the very weather itself had to be controlled! Of course the die-hard extra-terrestrial believers had a faith just as strong as religion, and in reality they had more or less the same theory. They were both right, a being more supreme than any of us, was manipulating the very elements of nature.
I began to realize the real area in which I led. I don’t have an IQ of one-ninety like Doctor ‘C’, or the Emotional Quotient of years of experience in front line protests like Red; there was no way I could ever understand these complicated scientific theories and I did not feel at all sure that I should or could act upon them! Sure I can understand one number being bigger than another, and if you’re talking about something really negative, that makes it much worse! But the fact of the matter was, like most people, I had a little of both talents but not enough of either. I was the balance. I had to keep things from getting too scientific, or letting too much strategy take over.
Doctor ‘C’, a super intelligent, blonde haired, blue-eyed, bronzed beach beauty; Red, a 6ft tall, black haired, green eyed, broad shouldered soldier; and myself, a brown dread-haired, brown eyed, nobody; were experiencing a rare occasion of being together in the same room at the same time and having a break. I decided to ask a simple question, nothing to do with Geophysics or strategic attack developments! “Why do you think after Billions of years, at least thousands for us Humans that this message has been delivered to us now?”
Adelo leapt from my shoulder, where he had climbed to from my shirt pocket when all three of us entered the tea room. He landed squarely onto his four little hand-like feet, they truly were images of miniscule hands; four long digit-like fingers with a half sized rotating digit to the inner side. He stood up on his hind legs, that were actually quite long and slender once straightened in that fashion; and put one ‘hand’ over his eyes and the other pinching both his rather large ears together over the top of his head. He looked like a cartoon figure, drawn to personify exasperation itself!
Doctor ‘C’ did start quoting some huge words and numbers, but Red interrupted “It’s got to have something to do with timing, something must be imminent. Well as far as a creature that lives for Billions of years sees as something happening pretty soon at least!” Nathanial Benjamin Rednaxela was actually quite the gentleman, his cheeks flushed a little red as he tilted his head forward and apologized for butting in. “That’s what I was just telling you!” Doctor ‘C’ sighed, you could almost see her realize that she hadn’t really been speaking ‘Human’, in her posture.
“I’ll try to put it in more simple terms. Everything we’ve worked-out about space, planets, galaxies and the Universe, has been calculated on a particular number. The mass, or weight of the Earth; this new revelation changes everything! With the outer core being Plasma it weighs so much less, which means all known calculations are wrong, because they’ve been worked out using the wrong number. Going by my recalculations, Earth’s magnetic field is going to switch off somewhere within this century and it’s going to be off for at least another century!”
After that statement Adelo went back to all fours, he lifted his small face towards me, with his wide almost lizard-like nose twitching kind of nervously. His eyes were wide, wide open. This time, together with a super-conscious notion, it was a picture of not just fear; but fearfully intense apology! I felt my heart skip, like it stopped entirely for one full beat. As I finally took a breath, my emotional defence system kicked in; my subconscious refused to believe the statement, humorously ridiculous notions started forming in my mind.
Risking showing my extreme lack of knowledge, I had to ask “Why would that be a problem”; extending my high school ignorance a little further, I offered an instant theory of my own “Are we all going to float off the surface and into outer space?” I could understand why Doctor ‘C’ giggled, she did know what was going on; but I was a little annoyed with Reds chuckle – what would he know! “No, our gravitation will remain the same. The magnetic field is like a force-field, it protects us from cosmic and solar radiation. Without it, particularly over that period of time; it will most certainly be the extinction of all life forms on the Planet!”
28-04-2017 10:16 AM
28-04-2017 10:16 AM
This bit follows Purpose.
What can we do?
My mind was screaming the obvious thing – What can we do! I started to panic, as always I began doubting my own beliefs. I had thought Earth was a benevolent creature, but was she really vindictive! Had she communicated with me only to gloat over her undeniable strength and ability to destroy us all? Had my only purpose been to stricken my Race with an inconceivable fear? I couldn’t believe this was happening, never in my wildest dreams had I expected such a negative implication, from something that I had so willingly believed to be the most positive thing to ever happen.
Suddenly there was a tidal wave of nausea not only washing over my body, but through it. I didn’t notice it at first, but Red had come to my side. He was looking down at me with such strength in his eyes, that just for a second, I let myself believe as long as I was with him I was safe. Even Doctor ‘C’ had come closer, I had noticed that she had lost all colour as she spoke her last statement. “We still have time” it was almost a whisper, and with those words she drew a notepad from her top pocket and began feverishly writing. Was she inventing a time-machine that could fit the entire Planet in it – oh dear, me and my conspiracies!
The almost intimate moment between Red and I passed quickly, he had many people to contact, many sources to rally. More scientists would be needed, mathematicians, engineers, politicians, psychiatrists, media organizers, the list was growing. Doctor ‘C’ had begun walking when she began writing, in the direction of her laboratory. It left just me and Adelo in the room, the mighty midget had thrown himself at me, landing belly first on my breast; his limbs extended like a star fish – I believe he was giving me the biggest hug that he could!
The first report was distributed as a memo. It told us that approximately 780 000 years ago, was the last time the Earth’s magnetic field underwent reversal. With revised calculations, pertaining to the new correct mass of Earth, it had been established that this previous reversal had occurred more slowly; over a period of approximately a thousand years. A new fact was also revealed, our current reversal had been occurring for almost a century, and it was now already in its final stage. Our magnetic field had by now weakened and was only functioning at approximately twenty-five percent of its capacity.
The usual schedule for Earth’s Polar reversal is every two to three hundred thousand years, but she has been consciously delaying it – to give all of us time. She has not yet been able to relay this message, super-consciously or otherwise. To a celestial body like a Planet polar reversal is merely like rolling over in your sleep, it’s an involuntary action that you cannot avoid forever. Eight hundred thousand years without sleep, is like a couple of weeks for one of us, she is very, very tired now. Eventually she knows, she will fall unconscious; she also knows though, that in this deep, deep state, it will take her physical body longer to make the turn.
The geologic record shows that hundreds of pole reversals have occurred throughout Earth's history; they happen when patches of atoms in Earth's outer core become reverse-aligned, like tiny magnets oriented in the opposite direction from those around them. When the reversed patches grow to the point that they dominate the rest of the core, Earth's overall magnetic field flips. The Earth’s magnetic field determines the magnetization of lava as it is laid down on the ocean. As the lava solidifies, it creates a record of the orientation of past magnetic fields much like a tape recorder records sound.
The most dramatic changes that occur when the poles reverse is a very large decrease of total magnetic field intensity. It greatly diminishes before it re-aligns, very probably the field becomes more complex and might show more than two poles for a while, and then builds up in strength and aligns in the opposite direction. It's this weak in-between phase that would be roughest on Earthlings. Massive blasts of radiation from the sun called "Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) occasionally hurtle directly toward Earth, particles associated with CMEs are blocked by Earth's magnetic field. With a weak field, this shielding is much less efficient.
These Coronal mass ejections, often the involuntary side effects of tumultuous solar storms, will punch holes in Earth's atmosphere. Solar particles activated by the pressure that surrounds our Planet, will interact with that atmosphere and cause a cascade of chemical reactions. Some types will affect biological tissue in particular and be a great concern in terms of cancer, though Biological forms are not the only concern. Our technology is already definitely in danger, even now solar storms can damage satellites, cause power outages and interrupt radio communications.
During the main phase of a solar geomagnetic storm, electric current in the magnetosphere creates a force which pushes out the boundary between that sphere and the solar wind. The disturbance in the interplanetary medium which drives these storms may be due to high speed streams of the solar forces originating from the Sun’s surface. This has the potential of destroying all electrical devices on our Planet, those that did not ‘short out’ from the original electric current would be ‘burnt out’ upon the following fiery wave.
Nonnus also has a magnetic field, it is the link between his own and Earths that allows instantaneous communication if necessary. His poles reverse almost constantly, as far as Celestial bodies are concerned; approximately every decade. It happens at the peak of each solar cycle as his inner magnetic dynamo re-organizes itself. His magnetic influence, known as the ‘heliosphere’, extends out billions of kilometers, past Earths family cluster to the very doorstep of interstellar space itself.
There are hidden portals in Earth’s magnetic fields, these gateways link the fields of our planet to that of Nonnus. Plasma physicist scientists call them ‘electron diffusion regions’ they create an uninterrupted path leading from our own planet to Nonnus's atmosphere a hundred and fifty million kilometres away. They're typically located a few tens of thousands of kilometres from Earth where the geomagnetic field meets the onrushing solar wind. Most portals are small and short-lived; others are yawning, vast, and sustained. Tons of energetic particles can flow through the openings, heating Earth's upper atmosphere, sparking geomagnetic storms, and igniting bright polar auroras.
Earth has been taxing her communicative abilities more and more over the eras of time. Although Nonnus is completely aloof to the needs of her skin dwellers, he is absolutely focussed on Earths. If, or indeed when, Earth’s magnetic polar reversal coincides with his – the damage will be beyond devastation. This magnetic alignment will increase Nonnus’s solar storms to universally catastrophic proportions. She has been using the electron diffusion regions, which connect her to Nonnus, to plead all knowledge he has to help her help us.
I found myself wondering if this weakened state of our magnetic field would have confused the early explorers. After all who hasn’t watched a movie that focused on some hero using only there trusty compass to find their way to safety! Would seventy-five percent of them have gotten lost if they were trying to discover places today? Would only a quarter of the Globe be mapped? As this field weakens further, are we going to start getting lost now? Is this the end of the Scouts and Girl Guides? That last thought made me laugh, a trick of the mind to turn a serious matter into a joke!
With great difficulty I had contained the panic that the knowledge of our situation had caused me. Now a simple memo had reignited it with a burning urgency! Doctor ‘C’ had said we still had time, but now I was afraid we didn’t have enough. This was not just sensory Cortex overload, my entire cranial electrical system was burning out. I am just an average Human Being, I cannot deal with all this information! Adelo had been snuggling into the crook of my neck, using his long tail to wrap around the back of it, and hold on. A gentle super-conscious levelling eased my mind and I knew I needed to lay down.
There was a kind of bed in the sick bay, so I went there. The medical staff were not on active duty, being scientists of other sections and only available when contacted. I was glad, it would be difficult enough to rest on the rock-hard surface of this medical bench. When I laid down Adelo made his way to my forehead and began gently massaging with his four little feet-hands. It was magically relaxing, as I started to slip into sleep I was sure I felt his tail rubbing my temple. I dreamt that Earth had connected a biological USB stick directly into my brain.
I had a moment of clarity, I understood that all living beings age. Both Earth and Nonus had been going through this process for Billions of years, their bodies were changing. All life energy lessens with each moment, the result is a weakening of strength and vitality. This is why the skin of a Planet is so thick, thousands of kilometres protect the heart and source of their personal life energy. As they age the hostility of naked space effects the outer extremities, more and more. Each cycle of each function will reign more havoc each time.
I felt a sadness above and beyond a conscious level. Earth has known for thousands of lifetimes, that these tiny fragile creatures, that are so totally dependent on her surface, for the very atmosphere they painstakingly created to survive – will all die because of her! Because of an involuntary bodily action. She has developed an obsessive determination to avoid that, an emotional depression that fills her every thought. It was a surprise that such a supreme being with such incredible knowledge, did not know how to accept the unchangeable.
I had a vague awareness of some sort of turmoil going on, like a perception of an annoying background noise. I was happy to believe it was all a part of the dream. When I woke up in front of the main computer system in Doctor ‘C’s laboratory, I was very surprised. Doctor ‘C’ was moving away some portable x-ray equipment, Red was directly behind me with a few of his men forming a semi-circle around me. There were others of his regiment positioned at the door and around the room, all of them were holding guns and had determined defensive looks on their faces.
Doctor ‘C’ was the first one to speak to me, “Are you alright?” I didn’t know what to say at first, yes I was fine, but no I wasn’t! I felt fine, but had no idea how I’d gotten into the Lab or what the hell was going on there! Prompted by the concerned looks on everyone’s face I declared that I was good, and immediately asked what had happened. “No headache or pain in your ear?” it was Doctor ‘C’ again. “No, why would I?” I was obviously missing some vital point to all this. “I think we might have to re-test Adelo, and you need to go immediately to sick bay for a complete medical!”
She gave Red a simple glance, he instantly grabbed Adelo, box and all from my pocket; and then handed him over to one of his men who placed the lot into a cage! Then put one hand under my elbow, like he was assisting an invalid; but the other he put around my waist. A gentle nudge was meant to send me trotting off with him to this medical examination, but I wasn’t going anywhere until I knew why. Why had they taken Adelo off of me! Why did they think I needed medical help and what was wrong with my head or my ears!
“Hold it right there!” and I stood my ground. “Unless you’ve got an extremely good reason, I’ll have Adelo back and you’ll all leave us alone!” “Niqua, that thing just stuck its tail right down your ear and into your brain! Doctor ‘C’ took an x-ray, he was pressing the tip of it against a cranial nerve!” I have to admit, Reds words made me literally take a step back. I looked over at the little cage, Adelo was still in his box, I touched my ear – it felt the same as usual. “Wait a minute, I had a dream; that Earth had made a connection with a biological usb stick, directly to my brain.”
The brain performs an incredible number of tasks. Including controlling your body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing; accepting a flood of information about the World around you from your sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch senses; handling your physical movement when walking, talking, standing or sitting and letting you think, dream, reason and experience emotions. All of these complicated tasks are coordinated, controlled and regulated by an organ that is about the size of a small head of cauliflower!
Doctor ‘C’ had observed the very tip of Adelos’ tail manipulating the ‘Dendrites’ or nerve endings of the sensory, motor and interneurons in my brain. In doing so, like twitching a joystick, he was in control of the signals from my periphery or ‘outer parts of my body’ into my central nervous system; the signals from there back out to my periphery, my muscles, skin and glands; and all the various neurons within my brain and spinal cord. He had had total control, physical, intellectual, emotional; though he seemed to have left the social side out entirely – maybe that was why it had been such a relaxing, dream-like experience.
My Cerebral Cortex had been tickled with nano-measured movements, exciting the functions of memory and thought. Earth in her wisdom, had guided Adelo in deleting any memory of the event as it happened. She realized that I would not enjoy the recollection of a reptilian mouse tail penetrating my ear and deep into my brain, but knew my thought process needed to be put into over-load; another very unpleasant experience, considering the knowledge of recent events had already begun to do so!
These days I take a little more notice of my dreams, because sometimes they might just be a super-conscious communication. “Did I do anything with this computer? And if I did, remember that Adelo did too!” “You’ve been at this computer for six hours! It’ll take me and my team days to review all the information.” By now Doctor ‘C’ had turned toward the huge monitor, and was looking up at the endless lines of text that was still being printed out. “What brief understanding I have so far, is that Earth has had us building a shield of Co2 to protect us from the radiation when her magnetic field goes off”
“But we have enemies. Too much of this ‘shield’ will be as devastating and fatal as the disappearance of our magnetic field. We may now have our Elite group focused on assisting Earth, but there must be another organization; they have been manipulating Earth’s efforts to a focus of their own. Certainly they are assisting in the CO2 shield, but they are building it too quickly, creating it too thickly – we will cook in the heat first and then freeze in the lack of sunlight. There will be no way to dissipate the shield when the Earth finally completes her magnetic realignment.”
28-04-2017 08:32 PM
28-04-2017 08:32 PM
28-04-2017 08:35 PM
28-04-2017 08:35 PM
28-04-2017 08:39 PM
28-04-2017 08:39 PM
Thought so @BlueBay ....
It's lovely .... ❣
28-04-2017 08:39 PM
28-04-2017 08:39 PM
Ha ha @BlueBay Its a funny boo boo
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