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Re: Christmas lounge

Did some retail therepy today, which was stressful 2 days before christmas lol. We drove fir 1 1/2 hrs, were tgere for 4 hrs and 1 1/2hrs home and i feel like we were there dayssssssss lol. My own fault for leaving it till the last minute, jyst wasn't really in the chrissy spirit before :face_with_rolling_eyes:😖 @Shaz51

Re: Christmas lounge

hugs @Janiee, same here , could not find anything in our nearest town , will have to  go to the city but my mr shaz has had enough of christmas shopping and does not want to go anywhere xxxxx

Re: Christmas lounge

I don't blame mr shaz at all, I'm glad we are done. Hubby was losing it a bit today and he is the most laud back person I know lol @Shaz51

Re: Christmas lounge

Hubby was losing it a bit today too @Janiee, so going no where tomorrow so hubby can cope on christmas day xxxx

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Re: Christmas lounge

In the paper yesterday re: Christmas gift rules:


2. Don’t give exercise equipment. You might as well just write, “Merry Christmas, Fatty” on their card.

Re: Christmas lounge

2. Don’t give exercise equipment '' ha ha ha NO WAY @Former-Member, @outlander, @Janiee, @Hope4me, @Determined Smiley LOL

Re: Christmas lounge

Lol @Former-Member, hubby loves exercise, he is one of those weird people, i really dunno what he's doing with me 

Re: Christmas lounge

hello @Hope4me Heart

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Re: Christmas lounge

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Re: Christmas lounge

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