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Re: Far and Away

thank you @Gazza75 , have to wait for the radiator is fixed first on saturday  xxxx

Re: Far and Away

It is good that you are in the west @Faith-and-Hope where you have support. Reach out to those friends of yours that have walked some of this journey with you and let them comfort and love you - you deserve nothing less Hon. Heart


Not quite finished reports @Former-Member but can't do anymore tonight. Have done what I need for tomorrow and will finish the rest after my psych appointment tomorrow and email them to the normal teacher so she can do the reports over the weekend. Then I have to finish the reading group comments and send them off to the class teachers that have those kids - so a bit still to do but will be good to have them done by the end of this weekend.


Toby and Cat are good - my little girl is back to normal and I am still giving her lots of extra cuddles. Toby is of course right by my side unless we are outside when he likes to wander around the garden and sit on one of the outdoor chairs.


I haven't spoken to my sister for over a week - been too busy to visit but need to go out this weekend to the pet shop so will drop in then. I don't know exactly when the moving date is but from what she said earlier it is just before christmas so not much longer now Smiley Sad


Had a GP appointment today - talked to her about how hard it has been lately but also that I have been able to drag myself out of that darkness a little this time - enough to keep my head above water anyway. I see my pdoc next week so will talk to her as well. Psych is tomorrow so that has also come at a good time. My GP is concerned that I am disconnecting from everyone but I also feel I need to do that right now to get through really is a double edged sword but I am trying to do what is best for me under the present circumstances. As I have alresdy mentioned to you before I am very much feeling everyone else's pain and it is exacerbating my own issues. Maybe once reports are over and I have seen my supports over this coming week I may be more able to connect with others again but there is still a lot going on for meand there are no quick fixes.


@Shaz51 Hugs my sister Heart

Re: Far and Away

Re: Far and Away

Take care of yourself sweetie @Zoe7 ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
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Re: Far and Away


Hi @Zoe7, that's a really good update post, ive been wondering how ya going. You have some good supports. And getting those reports done. You're a bit of a Lona (like me these days) but I don't think you're withdrawal is severe enough for harm. Its really hard  when ya live alone. We get use to that. Our fur babies keep us grounded, and you're a wonderful mum to them. You take care, go at your own pace. XOX





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Re: Far and Away

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Re: Far and Away

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Re: Far and Away



๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’• Morning all ....

Re: Far and Away

Good morning @Zoe7 and may your day
be a pleasant one. Bimby2.

Re: Far and Away

Good luck @Faith-and-Hope and hope
you have a pleasant Friday. All best wishes. Bimby2.