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Re: Good Morning!

we get soo much rain up here @NatureLover 

for the month of March we had 575.2 mm of rain ( one month )

@TAB@Meowmy , @Former-Member , @Angels333@Adge@greenpea 

Re: Good Morning!

ooh  I spoke too soon @NatureLover  whole lot of single figure minimums coming up here ugh going to have to wash quilts so they work better and get some firewood um prob cold, but not too cold, guess I usually say easier to put clothes on than if too hot already

Re: Good Morning!

I live about 30 mins drive from nearest beach. here too @Former-Member , @NatureLover 

Re: Good Morning!

might have had 5mm here @Shaz51  lol dont think it rains here anymore

Re: Good Morning!

@NatureLover  Good morning!  Cloudy here... rained heavily most if not all night.

Not sure what the weather is going to bring today but I'm just glad it's not trying to bake me alive!  More a fan of cooler temperatures.

Re: Good Morning!

good morning @Escaped_Goat 

raining here today lots 

Re: Good Morning!

@Shaz51  I love listening to the rain.  

Re: Good Morning!

@Shaz51 hey darling Shazzy

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member I had forgotten the beaches were all closed. @Shaz51 that is a lot of rain! You are also lucky to live near a beach.


Hi @Escaped_Goat , glad you are not being baked alive then, lol. I agree, extreme heat can be distressing but it's the sun that I crave. It seems to make a huge difference to my mood and my day. I read the 7-day weather forecast with anxious dread to see those pictures of clouds or rain coming up. I actually like rain but I like sunshine more. 


@TAB yes, those blasted single figure minimums!



Re: Good Morning!


i love listening to the rain too but after a few days it is nice to see the sun again 

our winter up here only goe down to 16 degrees at night time