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Re: Tough Times

It got cancelled. Been rescheduled for next Monday. Nothing's been said yet about me going home. This Thursday will be 3 weeks so I'm hoping sometime bloody soon. 
I'm so sorry you've had such a sh**y night. @Former-Member 

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Re: Tough Times

You didn't answer one of my questions my love 🤨 I am sorry you had a rough night as well. I heard your boys should be back at school in two weeks! That will help with some down time for you hopefully 💖 @Lee82 

Re: Tough Times

No it won't be there year levels. Ye 11 & 12 and prep and grade 1 go back first but still not 100% it will happen. If it starts happening which I am very skeptical about my kids won't go back for another 3/4 weeks. 
no not really ok but I am safe. Monster got me again a little more than usual


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Re: Tough Times

@Lee82 , 😞 I wish that Bast*** would leave you alone. Love you 3000


@Former-Member , I was looking for your thread to wish you good morning my friend and mental blank can't find it. So Good Morning Sherry, hope you managed a little rest last night and your day is gentle with you. 

@Former-Member  Good morning honey, hope you had a peaceful night. 💜


@Purplerain , good morning my friend. Sending you gentle hugs this morning 


@Shaz51 , good morning, I hope you and Mr Shaz have an easy day and that it's kind to you both


@mudsum , Good morning lovely, I hope you have a peaceful day. 

To anyone I missed sending you all my love and hopes for a peaceful day. 💖

Re: Tough Times

When do you speak with Nat or your psychologist next babe? @Former-Member 

i wish I was strong enough to fight it. 

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Re: Tough Times

Psychologist this afternoon and Nat tomorrow afternoon. You have strength my sweet, we just need to get you back on your meds honey. You will win this fight. @Lee82 ðŸ’–

Re: Tough Times

You need to listen to your own words babe. You can win the fight too. 
you going to mention yesterday and the other time to the psychologist? 
@Former-Member is he still there? 

Re: Tough Times

I'm sorry babe. Did I say something wrong?

@Former-Member Just too sensitive of a topic right now?

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Re: Tough Times

I am going to tell her everything 😞 I run the risk of being put in hospital though. I think the pss week has shown I don't have the strength 😞 You on ther other hand have two little reason to fight. Those boys need at least one parent that loves them unconditionally, respects them and their feeling and to guide them into being the best version of themselves they can be. They certainly won't get that from their father or grandmother. 

Yes he is still here, we just took Nics for a long walk. I am buggered now. 😂 @Lee82 

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Re: Tough Times

I hope this doesn't upset you, I actually said goodbye the other time an you noticed. That actually brought me to tears and he found me shortly after because he heard me crying. That night you actually saved my life. @Lee82