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JULY: Community Wrap

July Community Wrap.jpg


Hello to those that wanted a reminder that we have a new community wrap up! @2serveU @CrazyFunBek @The-red-centaur @Adge @CheerBear @outlander @PeppiPatty @Sans911 @Mazarita @Queenie @Sophia1 @Maggie @Pepperpot @Teej @BlueBay @HayleyC @Smashpea


hashtag.png Trending topics
handclapping.png Celebrate a member
We wanted to thank @outlander for their wonderful contribution to our community. You have really made an effort to help provide direction and resources to newer members like here and here Big cheer to you!
party.pngForum events to take part in next month
spotlight.pngSpotlight on: 
As we continue to move forward with our responsive project we have now got some exciting enhancements that will be rolled out, these will be minor but none the less very useful. To find out more details head to this thread
quote.pngQuote of the month
BPD is not ALL of you. It doesn't define you nor will you always be this way. You are still you. You are all the values, characteristics, strengths you've always had, they're just a little harder to see right now. - @Sans911 here
If you are enjoying reading our monthly wraps - hit the like button and we will notify you when the next one is up!

Re: JULY: Community Wrap

Thsnks @Former-Member for the reminder. I can relate to the "quote of the month ". I have struggled with BPD for a very long time. I so needed to read this. 

Re: JULY: Community Wrap

Congratulations @outlander

You have helped so many people on here. Always caring supportive and empathetic. You have been supportive to me so many times. ❤️❤️


BB xx

Re: JULY: Community Wrap

Thank you @Former-Member @BlueBay

Re: JULY: Community Wrap

wonderful @outlander @Sans911

you both so deserve the recognition....



Re: JULY: Community Wrap

Thanks @Sophia1


I don't go looking for recognition or adulation but simply speak from my mind and heart. But thank you for your kind words.


And big congratulations to @outlander

Lil Sis, I'm always proud of you, however, extra proud today that you've been recognised for your kindness, empathy and caring particularly of new members. I see that you frequently reach out to support these people so gently and thoughtfully. 💕💕💕💕💕

Re: JULY: Community Wrap

thank you @Sophia1 Heart

@Sans911 you deserve the recognition just as much as anyone else Heart and thank you for what you have said too

Re: JULY: Community Wrap

congratulations @outlander, @Sans911 HeartHeart

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Re: JULY: Community Wrap

Congratulations @outlander! That's my girl - reaching out selflessly to the most vulnerable in need, the new comers - making them feel less alone and supported. Thats what saves lives. Bless you.

Re: JULY: Community Wrap

go @outlander !!
great quote @Sans911

I must admit that this past month has been made easier by the forum members! I'm sure that's always the case. Sane Forums is great.