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Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

C = @CherryBomb 

You will be missed by all.

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

D = Darling
Love and missing my darling

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

E = empathy

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

F = Furry Friends who can make challenging times a bit easier to bear.

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

G - gratitude alphabet to remind me that its not all bleak and every season has an end.

H - handkerchiefs, for days like today.

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

I is for inner peace which i need

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

J = Joy

K = Kindness

L = Love


A little love and kindness brings much joy. 

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

M = Mothers

It wasn't until I became a mother myself that I truly appreciated my own mother. Now that she is gone, even more so.

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet




Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

Im new here but saw this & like it a lot ... i have been using it with my friend who has schizophrenia ... we are making a book of Brilliant things .. we started with B coz there were a lot !  but right now he is gone down the rabbit hole and i cannot help... feelin very sad ... love to hear how all you amazing folks manage to cope with the spiral down phases ... i tend to feel his feelings & everything very intensely ... Am so impressed with the SANE site ... thanks to all