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Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

It wasn't entirely unexpected @RMG as his tumour was close to vein and surgical margins were not clear. Pancreatic cancer is aggressive and prognosis is poor. 


Mr Darcy's OCD has gone up a level or two, he has decided to take some PRN meds to help him sleep which also have the potential to alleviate some of his anxiety.

Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

Don't know what to say.

Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

How are you going @RMG 

Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

ohhh sending you lots hugs @Former-Member Heart

thinking of you and mr darcy lots ❤🧡💛💚💙💙

our neighbour had the same , soo sad 

my uncle tumor is moving else where and now putting pressure on his leg , not sure what they can do about it -- nothing soo far 

Hello and hugs @Stephanie86@RMG , how are you 

Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

@Former-Member  sending you all my love - just read the updates below - please take each day gently and know we are always here for you - I can't imagine what you are going through - I hope you find a little ray of sunshine tomorrow to help get you through xxx



Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

@Former-Member we're doing ok thanks. Still just waiting for CT and oncologist appt. Husband's hair is looking pretty dodgy and he said he feels at about 50%. But eating better. How are you and Mr Darcy holding up?

Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

Will have a better idea of care plan after we see oncologist tomorrow @RMG . Mr Darcy's anxiety levels are up at the moment, he is moving slowly and really wants us to finish our porch area and has been making a mess with the painting ... yikes. He will finish a job badly to get it done rather than taking care and a bit more time.

Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

How are you bearing up yourself @RMG  and @Emelia8 

Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

Mr Darcy agreed to trying a new chemo regimen. It is palliative not curative but they are hoping it will halt disease progression.

Re: Partner with both MH issues and cancer

@Former-Member I hope it all goes well. When does he start? How do you feel about it?