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Re: A long rave

I agree about going with flows too, @eth. Clock schmock, indeed! Smiley LOL I like your idea of the 24 hour clock. Thing is, though, I recognise I function better in terms of getting out of the flat and caring for my health with exercise, when I am getting to bed earlier and up at a reasonable time. It's a dilemma.

With the negativity, my psychologist and I have talked about how deep ro-oted some of these things are in me. My conscious mind is cruising along in a certain way but there's this dark undercurrent going on for me, pretty regularly at least. Other times it is not troubling and I feel fine.

I wonder what myth you will select for this new writing exercise. Smiley Happy

Re: A long rave

I'm thinking of Icarus (and his father Daedelus who makes his wings ).  As he prepares to fly from the tower they are imprisoned in his father instructs him "Keep at a moderate height.  If you fly too low the sea foam will soak and clog your wings.  If you fly too high the heat will melt them".  Seems like a good analogy for bipolar management @Mazarita.

Re: A long rave

Nice one with the Icarus analogy, @eth. Needless to say, I relate. 

Re: A long rave

Just have to go feed Mr Dog @Mazarita.  He's been begging for an hour or so!

Re: A long rave

No worries, @eth. I'll take a break too. Will be getting into bed pretty soon after that. 

Re: A long rave

I'm back @Mazarita.  If you've hit the hay I hope you sleep long and deep x


Re: A long rave

Still here, @eth. I've had some breakfast. Feel better for it. But will still sleep soon. What do you have on today?

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita I'll spend the morning doing some chores and cooking, then bro and sil get back from their week away.  Hopefully some writing in the afternoon.  Then we're all going out for pizza and if everyone's recovered from their flu's etc we will go on to see a friend perform in a band at a local pub.  I'm not so sure about the Friday night pub thing - it would be great to see him play but I don't know how I'll cope in that sort of environment.  Might just come home after dinner.

Do you have plans for today, or R&R?

Re: A long rave

Sounds like a good day ahead, @eth. I have no appointments today. I'll sleep and see where that takes me. I'm still mucking around with video editing as we are chatting.

Re: A long rave

My chores will be mostly mundane stuff like handwashing and raking, but I'll feel good of the place looks cared for when the others get back @Mazarita

I think I'll go get into that stuff shortly - knock it over while I've got the motivation.