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Re: A long rave

Good morning @Mazarita @greenpea @Ant7 @CheerBear @Sophia1 @Shaz51 @outlander @The-red-centaur @Zoe7 @Faith-and-Hope @Appleblossom @PeppiPatty @Former-Member and anyone I've forgotten to tag.

Havinig a slow start to the day here after taking a prn last night.  Still just as broken sleep, but more of it.  Nice to start the day so relaxed.

Way too many pages for me to catch up on the overnight stint but it seems you had fun.

Hoping today is unfolding gently for all who are awake and that sleep is deep and refreshing for those catching zzzzs now.

Re: A long rave

Good morning, @eth@outlander@Sophia1@Exoplanet and everyone around or passing through later,

Yes, it was hijinx here last night alright! A lot of fun was had by all, including observers, like Sophia. The peamobile was an excellent jalopy, the company outstanding. Smiley Happy

Just woken after 3-4 hours sleep. Not as extremely tired as I am some mornings after regular sleeps! 

Eth, so good to hear you starting the day relaxed after some chunkier sleeps last night. 

May today bring smiles and even laughter to us all. Smiley Happy

Re: A long rave

Morning @eth @Mazarita and everyone else
@greenpea sorry I didn't get to be a part of the peamobile last night.

I start new meds tonight so hopefully I start to get solid sleep. I had the most crap dreams last night and feel so weird this morning.

Re: A long rave

Hi @The-red-centaur, it was fun when you were around earlier too. Smiley Happy

Sorry you had crap dreams. Not fun when that happens. Feel free to unravel the weird feelings here if that might help. This thread is called 'the long rave' also to give a space where people can talk at length about what's going on. Are the new meds you are starting for the schizoaffective disorder? It must feel strange in a way having a new diagnosis too, even though, as you said, it makes more sense to you.


Re: A long rave

@Mazarita it's just a high dose of something I'm already on and it's for sleep. I'm not currently in it for sleep more as a stabilizer, but I know at higher doses of this med it knocks you out.

Re: A long rave

@eth Dear eth hoping you have a wonderful day. Here the weather is brisk and sunny with a bit of wind. I am desperately trying to stay warm. Have son1 coming shortly so wont be on till Friday Night Feast 🙂 Hope to see you later.

Re: A long rave

If I don't make it to FF tonight @greenpea can you try to be a good pea lol (after last night methinks that is a tall order lol)

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita@The-red-centaur Hi ladies! I like the idea of having a high dose med that knocks you out  .... if only we could discuss medications here. Anways just popping by to say hello and wish you both and everyone else a great day. I am off to tidy up the house before son1 comes.

Re: A long rave

@greenpea just letting you know I'm no lady

Re: A long rave


still laughing away here...remnants of all hours last night....just saw "FF" and my imagination came into play...

perhaps after the peamobile is serviced ....a makeover...a new look...