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Re: A long rave

After some of the 'freelove' talk last night I amthinking a flower covered peamobile @Sophia1 - maybe that can be my goal for this afternoon - deck out the peamobile in a flower power covered theme...Smiley LOL

Re: A long rave

@Zoe7, lol Smiley LOL Heart

Re: A long rave

oh @Zoe7

you are so on the same pathway as me laugh....sorry to insult you...

I think I am travelling along something similar to the milky way ...only problem is I hate milk...the mere thought of it makes me feel nauseous....

well there was a lot of reference back to the free-living....swinging side of life.....

I think we need to brighten up mazarita's avatar ....what do you think @Mazarita?

eth yes has some flower power happening...

then we come to the butterfly? butterfly earrings on a pole dancing red black  and white sports fan?

greenpea is ready...

the elephants? pink tutus and daisy headbands?

Re: A long rave

ROFL @Sophia1 I will see what I can do Hon - when my eyes stop raining from laughing so much that is Smiley LOL

Re: A long rave



who needs medication?...we are onto something big here.....

Re: A long rave

This is for you @Sophia1 ...just to get started lol

Image result for elephant dancing

Re: A long rave

well I am pleased that the elephant is dancing....will give you a break from me as I move and stretch and retrieve my washing to hang...

how boring....

will be back on later this afternoon to check out the fashion parade...

Re: A long rave

I have my gp appointment at 2pm @Sophia1 so I will get onto the images after I return. have a great day Hon Heart

Re: A long rave

Hello Everyone Smiley Happy

I've just had some super excitement! The first of the fencing materials have been delivered!! A couple of hours later than I expected . . . but they're here now Smiley Very Happy 

@Mazaritayour so right that letting these couple of people come to where I live has been beneficial, I'm so glad things went well & nothing but positive came from it Smiley Very Happy Not only is it beneficial in getting things done, but it's beneficial in re-wiring my brain. 

Before I joined the forum I had a  Currawong hanging around the backyard, I don't see them out here very often & they made me feel like a dear friend was watching over me during a dark time. Love to you Mazy Heart

Hello @greenpea Smiley Happy Tinkerbell-Hey-You-There.jpg






Re: A long rave

Hi @Exoplanet 🙂 ox

On my old mobile, hence the lack of colourful emojis. Video is processing on main computer. Still in nightie and dressing gown. Need at least one recovery day like this after an all nighter.

How wonderful there was a currawong around you. I love those birds. 🙂

Yay for the arrival of the fencing materials!!! 😄

So good you have allowed and made that happen, for the material life and for the mental. ox

Won't tag everyone because it's too slow on this device. Sending warm wishes to all this afternoon.