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Re: A long rave

Hahaha @Mazarita ....I was about to say that I can see, and can agree, to both ..... @Teej 😆


Here is F&H negotiating and agreeing with herself .....



Re: A long rave

I've always been extreme when it comes to the creativity. Always been into it at the expense of my health even. It's hard to change that habit of neglecting self-care. I've been like it all my life. Was kind of into 'grunge' when I was in my 20s. Lol to being an aging feral. Smiley LOL

@Faith-and-Hope @Teej

Re: A long rave

High-five from an aging Bohemian @Mazarita @Teej ..... 😏



Re: A long rave

Well I think I'm kind of with you there too, @Faith-and-Hope, and with the hippies. Smiley Tongue High five! Smiley Very Happy

Re: A long rave

I’m waiting for the pic @Faith-and-Hope


did giggle @Mazarita. Not sure what I’d call myself but aging feral might cover it 😂


think i might age disgracefully😳


Re: A long rave

Well, it that's the way it's going to be with us, @Teej, high five to growing old disgracefully! Smiley LOL

Re: A long rave

Yep  @Mazarita 😁

Re: A long rave

That’s my plan @Teej ..... but it’s mr. F&H’s plan too at the moment ..... soooo wish I could describe his appearance to you .... he is as Bohemian as I am at the moment ..... it’s a real shocker.  I really wanna tweak it for him, including some weight gain and an alteration to the hairstyle ..... and some of his shirt choices ..... but if we can recover from this, we will probably match ..... totally ironic !!


Have realised I need to clarify that .... mr and his family have spent the best part of thirty years trying to steer me out of my Bohemian style and into someth8ng more their style ..... and mr. is now batting for my style team .... but they are not challenging him over it .....

I think his business success and weight loss “success” have placed him above criticism .... F&H’s style is the new black .....  😂😂😂



Re: A long rave

Lol @Faith-and-Hope 😂

Im smiling imagining that. It’s funny how our style develops. 

Re: A long rave

C more than matches me in the eccentric clothing stakes at times, @Faith-and-Hope@Teej. Lol.