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Re: A long rave

Finding meds that allow some life is important.

Heart @Mazarita

I read your post on another thread @outlander with  @CornyHeart 

Tough times, but. Go Gently with you ... 


Re: A long rave

@Appleblossom the true survivor..........

man on chairs .jpg


Dear @Mazarita,

Nice to see you dialoguing while going through difficult times...... often when things got to hard for me, I would go and turn up at my Psychotherapists and then just leave. 


O am slightly obsessed with this book: by Scott Pape..... The Barefoot Investor. 

It's so weird to wind down from huge amounts of activity......


Cuddle to all.... hey Apple...... one to you 


Re: A long rave

@PeppiPatty, the worse things get for me, the more silent I become. But I'm still talking so things must be okay. 

Hugs for the weirdness of the wind-down time.

What is 'The Barefoot Investor' about?

Re: A long rave

Its a book about budgeting and the author has linked up Centrelink financial advisors and a very easy way of budgeting. 

I've been trying to save for the book: I'm going to get

one each for the adult sons......

then I discovered the first 50 pages for free online. 


then I nabbed this really awful job for once per week.... which will keep the budget good....


Re: A long rave

I see, @PeppiPatty. Great that you are finding the book helpful. Sorry the job is awful. Hope you don't have to do it for too long and seeing your savings shoot up. 

Edit: heading to bed now, sleep well when you get there. ox

Re: A long rave

Oh  @PeppiPatty you are still up too.Heart

I am up to look up some recipes with fennel ... eye roll ... der

I liked the name of S Pape's book and had his emails to inbox for over a year, but figured I'd absorbed all he had to tell without opening the files

Yep ...

There is so much online for free.  SO there should be lots of things in this world for free.  Wish the corporates cared more about fresh air.

Glad you got some work. Every little bit helps.

I first heard about the net through computer programmer I was prepared.  Its a giant ad machine now. 

@Mazarita I might not respond to each of your posts, but it matters that you still come on and keep posting Bella. I feel more secure seeing your new heart pic around.

I know its not easy. Heart

Re: A long rave

Sorry i dropped off @Mazarita @Appleblossom my prn meds worked quickly for once. Thanks for the chat last night ❤❤

Mazarita - i hope your friends brother is alright. Im glad you got to your friends house though and im sure they appreciated you being there too. ❣

Apple- im glad your son loves his music. Im sure you have taught him well. Music is so good for emotions. Do you still play?
And thank you for your friendship as well 💕

And goodmorning to @PeppiPatty @eth @Exoplanet @eth too

Re: A long rave

Everybody make a wish :)Everybody make a wish 🙂

Star light, star bright

First star I see tonight

I wish I may, I wish I might

have the wish I wish tonight


I wish I had a female Human friend, in real life.


I'm curious, forget about World Peace, saving the Planet & helping others . . . what would you wish for yourself?



Re: A long rave

Good morning all.  Haven't caught up on posts yet but Hi to @Mazarita @Exoplanet @outlander @Appleblossom @PeppiPatty @Shaz51 @Sophia1  and anyone else floating around.

Coordinator  of supports hasn't got back to me yet.

Re: A long rave

Sending warm wishes @Mazarita and @Appleblossom for what you are going through at the moment.

Apple anniversaries can be so hard.  Go gently Heart