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Re: A long rave

That is easy I wish for my son2 not to have his disabilities.

Re: A long rave

Hello @greenpea  How are you going?  Lovely to see you again.  I've been thinking of you Heart

Re: A long rave

Hi @greenpea, fantastic to see you posting. Big welcome back hugs to you.

Hi @eth, hope the co-ordinator of supports gets back to you today. So good to hear your spotlight on the forum has lifted your mood.

Hi @Appleblossom, thanks for your lovely words in your last post to me. 

Hi @Exoplanet, loving your gifs. I wished on a star for real not long ago, still some light in the sky and there was Venus peeking down. I'd wish for myself better mental and physical health.

Hi everyone around, sending good wishes for the day.

Heart Woman Happy

Re: A long rave

Hi @Mazarita  Hope today is going well so far for you.  Sil is going to ring the CoS and their organisation today to see what's happening for me.

Yes, the acknowledgement is wonderful and uplifting somewhat.

Re: A long rave

@eth, great that sil is going to help with the CoS. 

I haven't been awake for very long today. Couldn't sleep last night, though I tried, until about 4am, when I fell asleep in the armchair. Then adjourned to bed after I woke from that block of sleep. Pj day so far. Spoke to my friend on the phone about her brother, who is still in hospital. May go over there for dinner to keep her company for a while this evening. 

Re: A long rave

@greenpea Heart please know you can chat to us here Heart

morning to everyone here too

Re: A long rave

Hi @outlander, how are you going? Heart

Re: A long rave

hi @Mazarita
im ok. i am trying to learn to crochet and i cant get past the first step lol

Re: A long rave

how are you?

Re: A long rave

That's great that you are doing that, @outlander. I saw on the craft thread that @CheerBear is helping you. Hi CB. Heart