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Re: A long rave

@outlander, weak and very low energy today, just taking it as it comes. I've got a very old movie on TV - Nicholas Nickleby, based on a book by Charles Dickens. He was a very famous English writer from the 19th century. I've read the book too. But I'm not watching it at the moment, just hearing the old fashioned voices while I am here at the computer. 

Anything happening for you today?

Re: A long rave

Hi @Mazarita, @outlander, @eth, @greenpea, @Exoplanet and everyone ☺

Hope friend's bother is OK @Mazarita. Pj day sounds good!

I'm quietly cheering you on to keep chipping away at it @outlander. I think it's awesome to see you trying 😊

It's sunny here today! I have been on a big adventure this morning and now have the quiet company of a special friend who is drawing while I am working on my little dog creature. Windows open and some fresh air in the house feels so good ☺

Re: A long rave

yes she sure is @Mazarita
i will eventually get it lol.
i just had a tv movie on that was old and pop recognised it and said he hasnt watched it in yrs and yrs so it might be the same one. im sort of watching another one- well listening anyway..

no plans for me today, already done the horses, went to the shops and just get the kids this arvo.

Re: A long rave

dont worry i can hear your cheers from here CB 😉

you day sounds quite nice @CheerBear enjoy 🙂

Re: A long rave

Great that you have the sun, @CheerBear. It sounds lovely at your place. Heart Woman Happy

Could be the same movie, @outlander. Black and white. Nice that you have some relaxing time before the kids this afternoon. 

Re: A long rave

hmm no this one wasnt n black and white but all good @Mazarita 🙂
is there much else on your agenda to do today?

Re: A long rave

There's a chance I might be able to get myself out on the beach later, at low tide, @outlander. Maybe visit friend later. 

Re: A long rave

That would be good @Mazarita i hope you can 🙂

Re: A long rave

We'll see what happens, @outlanderSmiley Happy

Re: A long rave

Hi @outlander@CheerBear@eth@Exoplanet@Appleblossom@PeppiPatty and everyone, it's 10.15pm here and I didn't manage a beach walk today. Fell asleep and slept for a couple of hours in the armchair instead. But we did go to our friend's place for dinner: lasagne and garlic bread. Have been on the computer and reading forum posts since we got home, especially the motivation discussion on Topic Tuesday, which was interesting. Have only just taken my meds, late tonight. Hoping to be in bed before midnight, the pumpkin hour. 

Hope the day has been okay for all, and that everyone gets some good sleep or at least rest overnight.