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Re: A long rave

@Mazarita You must be so exhausted in every way to have been sleeping all day and night. Nothing really helps. I try and distract myself but I can feel it all the time in my breathing even when distracting. My whole body tightens up & I get mad at myself or can’t concentrate. Right now I am feeling it. I think I need to go on medication 

Re: A long rave

Hello Everyone 🙂

No rain here yet, though guru google said possible showers yesterday & today, not a drop yet. Though I think I'll finish packing today {didn't get there yesterday, an unpleasant memory popped up while I was talking to the patient lady yesterday . . . all sorts of feelings of guilt . .. didn't end up feeling like packing} & maybe head off tomorrow, 'cause google says the possibility of showers is gone then. It's nice & overcast, which means it's cooler, it's already been hot here - not looking forward to summer, I fear this year my area may burn. 

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Re: A long rave

Hi @eth 

Re: A long rave

@Former-Member, I had no will to live during these past couple of months. Didn't want to die, but couldn't move myself at all, except from the bed to the armchair, where I would fall asleep again. Deep depression in action. So relieved to feel I am coming out of that.

I know those anxiety states too where the body is so tight, breathing restricted and nothing seems to help. I always try to slow down and deepen my breathing when I am like that, sometimes many times a day. But it doesn't always work. Feeling for you going through that painful anxiety and hope it lifts for you soon.

@Exoplanet, I hope you can find ways to forgive yourself for what you are guilty about. Guilt is such a destructive emotion, I find. On the positive, heading off on the camping trip tomorrow sounds great.

Re: A long rave

Hi @greenpea!

Yes @Mazarita  I am really hoping that the EMDR (when it starts) will help with cPTSD symptoms as it is said to do.  My psychologist and I are still mapping my life and dealing with current things as they come up.  Last week we planned that from now on we will only spend the last 5 minutes talking about NDIS admin etc.  I think the EMDR will start very soon.

Re: A long rave

@eth, it will be a relief, I imagine, now that you will be focussing on the trauma issues, rather than spend all your time talking about NDIS issues. Crazy that the process of getting support under that scheme has taken up all your psychology sessions for quite some time. On the positive though, it sounds like things are slowly starting to fall into place for actual forward movement with your condition.

Re: A long rave

That's true @Mazarita  I am looking forward to getting into it.  My CoS told me she's done it and it helped her.

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Re: A long rave

So glad you are starting to come out on the other side of it @Mazarita Had too many thoughts last night & just hating myself for a lot but can’t stop it 

Re: A long rave

Re: A long rave

@eth, good to hear that there are positive indications for the EMDR treatment. 

@Former-Member, I wonder if you have a GP, psychiatrist and/or psychologist to help with your troubled feelings. Perhaps medication might be of some assistance if the anxiety is too extreme.