06-09-2018 08:04 PM
06-09-2018 08:04 PM
@Exoplanet Cannot wait to see what photos you have taken (that is if you can post them). I agree with the turtles that is strange and the dead duck ... I wouldn't be swimming in that water that is for sure. What colour is the water? Maybe it has a algae bloom happening. Hope you get some sleept tonight and your staffy can settle. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us. ps: imagine a indian minor bird being all the way out there.
06-09-2018 08:06 PM
06-09-2018 08:06 PM
Dear @Mazarita Frazier?? Doh. I cleaned houses today...... for elderly people. I really love doing it.....but watching Frazier sounds like something which is very relaxing for us.
06-09-2018 09:10 PM
06-09-2018 09:10 PM
Hi @PeppiPatty, nice to get your uplifting messages and images. It's great that you love doing the cleaning for the elderly people, worthwhile and helpful work. I remember the time before you started taking mood stabilisers. Very glad to hear they have been so helpful to you. Yes, please join us anytime for coffee and chat.
Hi @Exoplanet, sad to hear of the dead turtles and duck, hearing you about how harsh the conditions are in your part of the country. Nice that there's still some green grass to be seen. Hot showers while camping sounds pleasantly luxurious. Cool that you have been able to get back into reading your book. I am hoping that I may be able to get back into reading novels at some point too. I get self conscious taking photos around people too. Looking forward to the ones you choose to post when you get home.
Hi @greenpea, totally agree that Frasier is very witty. I find the farcical situations the characters find themselves amusing too.
Hi @MDT, wishing you well with TESOL and employment. Glad to hear you are doing okay with things.
Hi @outlander, @Former-Member and all others passing through this way. Off to bed early now, trying to keep my sleeping patterns in better order. Sleep well everyone and hope you wake up refreshed tomorrow.
06-09-2018 09:17 PM
06-09-2018 09:19 PM
07-09-2018 08:07 AM
07-09-2018 08:07 AM
@Mazarita Good morning Mazzy dont your loves Niles' wife (is her name Monica??). The fact that you never see her ..... hahahaha! I think there is one episode where you either see her legs or the back of her legs. I think it is hilarious :D. Hope you have a great day my good friend Mazzy xxx
07-09-2018 08:29 AM
07-09-2018 08:29 AM
Hello @CheerBear
No need to apologise at all....
your post did not appear as a private conversation...
My meaning was that you were vulnerable and sharing with Mazarita? I don't even remember who..
I was trying to delicately state that I did not want to intrude on that and hurt your feelings.
Please just ignore what I said
look after yourself
07-09-2018 04:47 PM
07-09-2018 04:47 PM
Hello Everyone 🙂 I'm back home 🙂 Here's some pics :-
View from my 'front door' 🙂
This was my view for the past couple of days. My 'front door' was actually the back of my ute, I could just lay back & look out at this 🙂
The dam 🙂
I discovered my camera takes panaramic shots! This pic might seem little, but the whole dams there 🙂
Far away mountain.
If I stuck my head out of the back & looked a little to the right, I could see mountains off in the distance. This one was my favorite 🙂
Dawn on the Dam 🙂
This is what I woke to this morning 🙂
Distant hills at dawn 🙂
A beautiful sun rise, looking over a vast body of water toward distant hills 🙂
Pelican Isand 🙂
The Pelicans were the stars of the show for me, there was a little island directly in front of me where they gathered & I think slept there 🙂
Good Morning Pelicans 🙂
I got to watch them fishing, even saw a couple catch a feed! They were wonderfully relaxing to see flying & gliding in on the waters surface 🙂
Pelicans on their Island.
Pelican on waters edge.
Sparkles on the water 🙂
There were many other kinds of birds there, water hens, ducks, parrots, cockatoos {huge flocks of those} & also seagulls?!? & what appeared to be like sand skippers, though I'm guessing they were a different species, tiny finch like birds that ran around hiding in the dry grasses . . . so many different kinds of birds 🙂
Overcast skies
I didn't take a lot of photos, it was often very dim due to it being overcast most of the time, the wind also picked-up quite a bit quite often + there were other people there & I felt really awkward.
But it was worth it, so very, very worth it 😄 😄 😄 I even had a bit of a conversation with the park owner when I returned my access card {boy did I feel flash having one of them, it's what you used to open the boom gate [I liked having that there, meant only offical campers could get in :)] & the showers} They said it's usually quiet, apart from Easter, xmas etc., & that they didn't allow unpleasant drunkeness {I really liked that idea!}, they have a list of rego numbers that will never be allowed in again!
Brewing storm?
The Guru google told me it might storm today, not possible showers but storms. It's one of the reasons I decided to go the days I did. According to the guru, the 2 days I've had were a little window in possible wet weather. . . . I can only hope it actually happens. The guru told me it might rain before I went too, but I wouldn't call the 12 drops I got 'rain' 😉
For the first sort of 'caravan park' camping I've done {the camping area was actually down the road from the actual caravan park, but there's a little house & the caretaker lives there}, I've got to say I was pretty impressed. It made everything so much easier, I didn't need to worry about the shower/toilet tent, I was cleaner there than I am at home 🙂 😄 The table & chairs had a brick wall for a wind break & a roof for shelter! Nobody bothered me & it was quiet & peaceful, & it wasn't even 2 hours away 🙂
I've got a little plan forming in the back of my mind, . . . it might be a great go-to place for when the forests are baiting . . . that'd be a few times a year 😉
It's already losing it's 'reality' for me, I find myself questioning whether I made it all up - I don't know why I do that! It was real, I did go, I've the photos to prove it! . . . & 2 snoring puppies, exhausted & collasped on there day bed 😄 & 3 suitcases still to get off the car!
Love to all
@Mazarita @Sophia1 @greenpea @outlander @eth @PeppiPatty @Teej @Appleblossom @Shaz51
07-09-2018 05:25 PM
07-09-2018 05:25 PM
Hello @Exoplanet
Wow is my first reaction...
The panoramic view....
There are many triangle road signs still to magically metamorphose into more wonderful scenery
That sounds like a perfect place to be....safe...secure....well scrutinised as in rowdy drinkers being banned...
people around yet still having your own space....serene solitude..
Your questioning the reality....is that something that is a part of your past negative thinking pattern....I find that negative thoughts can pop into my mind from out of nowhere....then I step back ...look at it objectively and realise that is a remnant from the period in my life when another stripped every shred of self-esteem that I had....
It still happens ....nowhere near as often...I have the check in for negativity...then pull my mind away and tell myself I no longer need to feel that way....Nobody has the right to affect my self esteem..
If not the above...perhaps you have been yearning to get away for so long....worked so hard....now that it has finally happened...2 days is not long at all....gone before you know...
If this is the case....think about when you can go again before the silly season starts....before school holidays...
Well done for finding such a brilliant spot....
07-09-2018 05:27 PM
07-09-2018 05:27 PM
congratulations @eth for recognition at the monthly awards...
well deserved..
I read the latest post from a support coordinator of NDIS
You are famous now eth
take care
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