08-09-2019 07:43 AM
08-09-2019 07:43 AM
Hey @greenpea , I have missed your wake up posts too. But I totally understand that you're tired, and posting on many threads gets exhausting.
Hoping you have a great super pea Sunday.
I have tapered off my meds as of last night but am feeling okay. Just a few blood tests and ecg to do tomorrow then I can start the new meds.
Apart from that happening I have a quiet day today with church this morning then grocery shopping this afternoon.
Hey @Zoe7 how's your weekend going? Have you had some time to relax with Toby? And I was wondering does Cat have a name? Or is it just Cat...... or is Toby your cat..or your dog? Or am I confused lol....
08-09-2019 07:55 AM
08-09-2019 07:55 AM
Cat does have a name @Angels333 but I call her Cat here because her name is unusual and would be easily recognisable to anyone I know reading here. Toby is definitely my dog - one cat and one dog - Cat is older - she is nearly 11 and Toby is nearly 6. I actually can't believe I have had them both for so long. It was good having Cat before I got Toby though - he has grown up around Cat and I think that helped her be so accepting of him. They are quite cute together - Cat doesn't pay Toby any attention but Toby will follow her around the house. Occasionally she gets sick of him and hisses and swipes at him - Toby cowers away from her but will then follow her again ...he is a slow learner lol
08-09-2019 08:36 AM
08-09-2019 08:36 AM
Hey @Zoe7 , glad we sorted that out lol! Your fur babies sound much loved to me xxxx
08-09-2019 08:41 AM
08-09-2019 08:41 AM
lol glad that is sorted too @Angels333 They are very much loved and cared for Hon - don't know where I would be without them
08-09-2019 09:07 AM
08-09-2019 09:53 AM
08-09-2019 02:28 PM
08-09-2019 02:28 PM
Hi all. Having a not so good weekend. I have a lot on this week and am panicking a bit about whether I will manage it all. Could not get on here yesterday.....kept getting a message saying I was not permitted for some reason.
So far I have every day with things on except Wednesday, but that might change. B is going to be away on her normal day, but I got a message with an appointment for tomorrow so I am a bit stressed about that. Have been having nightmares etc since saw her last. Have not had a good night sleep since. Had a couple panic attacks too which I really hate. They never get any easier to cope with, or do they? So far I have not found them easier.
Then we have the show on here Friday and Sat with setups Thurs. These will be 3 exhausting days, and there is not a lot of places I can go to hide. Will have to try to scope out a few places. Sometimes I get to the stage where I get to where I want to know there are people around but I want to be away from them. Have been known to hide behind trees or buildings. These feel different to panic attacks, but I suppose they might be another type. Anyone else have this?
Apart from that physically not too bad except a bit of pain from arthritis. He is such a pain to have but can't do anything about that.
08-09-2019 02:42 PM
08-09-2019 02:42 PM
Such a busy week this week for you @cutiepiekitty Goodluck with it all
08-09-2019 04:11 PM
08-09-2019 04:11 PM
Hey @cutiepiekitty Sorry that you're struggling this weekend. When you see B are you going to talk about the nightmares?
I hope you can make time for self care during your busy schedule ahead this week.
08-09-2019 04:15 PM
08-09-2019 04:15 PM
Sorry that you're struggling this weekend. @cutiepiekitty , sitting with you my friend
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