28-01-2017 12:11 PM
28-01-2017 12:11 PM
Hi @Zoe7
I know things are tough
And i hope your ok
I called 'Saneforums Helpline' for the first time the other day
And they were great
28-01-2017 12:35 PM
28-01-2017 12:35 PM
Hi @Happyness
No things aren't great atm but that is something I need to find a way to work through.
Calling SANE helpline or anyone else is not something I am able to do atm as I can't even talk - so much easier to type and still be somewhat disconnected from reality.
Had some great support on here last night to help me get through though.
Hope you are ok!
28-01-2017 01:23 PM
28-01-2017 01:23 PM
28-01-2017 01:50 PM
28-01-2017 01:50 PM
@utopia Aren't we a fine pair LOL - can't help ourselves but can help each other, can't keep are most important friend relationships but want the same things for them, can't be kind to ourselves without someone else telling us to!!!! (still not convinced on this one just yet - but do hear you )
At the risk of stretching our friendship - do you know what you do really want from your friend - what you will accept and how you will deal with the fallout if it is not what you actually desire? You don't have to answer to me but maybe these are some really tough questions you need to answer for yourself - to at least go into this with your eyes wide open and knowing what the outcome may be for both of you. Are you able to carry part of his load on your shoulders and protect yourself at the same time?
I certainly don't have any answers here for you - the past week has certainly proven that - I suppose these are some questions I also had - and chose to ignore - or decided that some things are worth the risk and now have to deal with the outcome.
28-01-2017 02:44 PM
28-01-2017 02:44 PM
28-01-2017 03:27 PM
28-01-2017 03:27 PM
Oh sh*t @utopia - I did open up a can of worms didn't I!!!
Good on you - I actually understand everything you just wrote - the conflicting thoughts, being able to know (actually know) your friend, to understand where he comes from, who he is, what he needs/wants and how you can connect with him on a deeper level that also includes both trust and support.
Needing to have answers for yourself is also very important - it will help you to understand your relationship with him now and also over the last 30 years - and you may find some answers for yourself (about yourself) that you previsously did not know.
I think that it may be more than just letting go of things for you (but I may be wrong) - I believe that you want him to know that you are by his side with ALL that is him and not just the parts that most people want to or can deal with - in other words - YOU ARE ALL IN : no judgements, no conditions - just friendship, love and support.
Yes you do still have things that you need to say to him also - things that are very important to you and the feelings you have had on this rollercoaster ride with him - so maybe there is one condition - that the dialogue you have is two-ways and each one of you needs to be able to hear each other fully before you can move forward.
I hope that makes some sense to you!
And no - I still don't have answers for myself - remember I am better at helping others and seeing what they need but not so good at doing that for myself. Let's just concentrate on you this weekend and hoping for a positive outcome for you.I'll deal with me another time - don't think I'm really at a place that I can look inward at the moment without there being more fallout - so I'm happy just getting by for now.
28-01-2017 03:44 PM
28-01-2017 03:45 PM
28-01-2017 03:45 PM
How about giving up something for nine days as an offering to 'Father God'
I don't know much,
But i've literally just done a 'Novenna'
28-01-2017 03:50 PM
28-01-2017 03:50 PM
Hi @BlueBay I also really liked @Zoe7 & @utopia 's discussion aout friendship.
In the DSM lack of good friendships or relationships is often a criteria leading to a MH diagnosis .. without investigating the circumstances. I disagree with these presumptions, but AGREE with you that it is complicated .. and often may not be a negative reflection or indication of lack .. in the diagnosed individual.
28-01-2017 03:55 PM
28-01-2017 03:55 PM
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