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Re: Am Not Coping

@Faith-and-Hope I've had a pretty tough couple of hours and need to have some more time away from here for now. Just wanted to let you know that I am not good but safe - and thinking about you - which has really helped. I hope your day has been okay Heart

Re: Am Not Coping

huga @Zoe7 HeartHeart

Re: Am Not Coping

@Zoe7 ❤ ❤ ❤

Re: Am Not Coping

Re: Am Not Coping


Hi @Zoe7

I am here sitting with you and thinking of you sweetheart. Take it easy Heart

Re: Am Not Coping

hello my sister @oceangirl , been thinking of you today , and you are here xx

Re: Am Not Coping


Hi @Zoe7 ..... sorry I missed you signing off just now.  I stopped to watch an e.d. link someone posted for me today on C-forum, which took a while ..... but these things are, and continue to be a confirmation for me when the world around me starts spinning and I begin to doubt aspects of my judgement or the road ahead .....

I am thinking of you too ..... just heading out for a swim (quite close to a pool here) but I will be back later if you’re feeling better and return here this evening .....


Re: Am Not Coping

Hey @Faith-and-Hope back for a little while Heart Did you do an oopsie - naughty F&H - join the club Smiley Very Happy

Re: Am Not Coping

@Zoe7i gotta bit of stupidity for you in regards to teaching. not as in the teacher. something so simple and for the life of me couldnt remember and had to use google!! would you like to know?

Re: Am Not Coping