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Re: Am Not Coping


Thank you for the shout out, my sister @Shaz51 , I have been thinking of you too. How are you? xx

Re: Am Not Coping

@Faith-and-Hope Morning Hon Heart

I had a few hours sleep last night then another couple of hours later this morning. Not the ususal nightmares last night - but some very real and upsetting dreams. Those kind of dreams where you wake and your previous sense of reality from certain 'situations' is questioned. Trying not to let them get to me today but knowing they are not real and trying to 'forget' them are two different things!

My headache has eased off a bit for now and although I am still tired I do feel a little better than I have for a long time. Let's hope this continues when we increase the meds again!

I hope you had a great time with D2 last night and feeling okay yourself today.

Heart Zoe

Re: Am Not Coping

Having a leaky day today @Zoe7 ......

I walked to church this morning (can do that here) ..... so that's got my way in for the day ......

S2 and D3 have gone out together 🎉 ..... and that involves waking so it will do them both the world of good ..... 🎉

WH offered to take D2 and me for lunch at The Coffee Place ...... at 3pm ...... after the gym. He has porridge for dinner later. I find it hard to keep a meal balance to the day if breakfast is early, say 7:30 - 8am ..... then lunch is mid-afternoon (so you end up hungry in the middle of the day and eating something then too) and then dinner is late because lunch was so late ...... and there ends up being nonset family mealtimes ...... it's just all over the place.

So I have tried to hold at least D2 and myself to traditional mealtimes. S2 and D3 are eating all over the place because their sleeping hours etc are out of whack, and being kidults, I am not in control of any of that anyway.


Feeling the weight of the struggle, and very displaced. No friends or family over here, and I just feel too soul-weary to think about trying to start a life for myself here ......

So parking up the worry about that for another time and just trying to enjoy being in the moment here now.

Soooo good to see you ❣️

Re: Am Not Coping

Heart @oceangirl @outlander @Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope & of course



lol @outlander our computer minds can only retain so much.  I found myself doing things like that, and it is great to be able to bing or google to confirm all those things.

Hope last night was better.  Mine was.  Strange dreams but not too scary. 

Sometimes crying is cleansing @Zoe7... but it can also be plain hard work and exhausting as well as ....unbeautiful ... need to watch out for those puffy eyes ... do you have sunnies?Heart



Re: Am Not Coping

I have sunnies ..... 😏 ...... kick mys of if the day is overcast and I go out without them ...... cos they're for puffy eyes these days more than they are for glare ......

For now anyway ......


Re: Am Not Coping

Afternoon @Faith-and-Hope @Appleblossom @Shaz51

Tried for another sleep here but wasn't to be - stupid flashbacks and feelings!!! I got up straight away and of course Toby came with me so I picked him up and gave him a big cuddle. Smiley Very Happy

The sun is out here today but we have gale force winds again. I am trying to block that out but with the flashbacks and lack of sleep it is not an easy thing to do. So this afternoon has now gone to one of minute by minute for now Smiley Sad

@Appleblossom @Faith-and-Hope I have 2 pairs of sunnies now - one I leave in the car and one pair in the house (these ones also double as a light blocker when my headaches and light sensitivity get too bad (and it isn't night time and already dark). I think sunnies should be in everyone's 'coping box' as a priority lol

@Appleblossom ...'and of course' - awww that is very sweet - gave me warm fuzzies to be seen of as an 'and of course' Heart

@Faith-and-Hope as I have to be careful what and when I eat, I can imagine how difficult it is keeping up with so many meal times. Some days I just can't eat anything when my stomach is sore as I know the pain will only intensify if I do eat. It certainly is not conducive to maintaining a healthy body but until we get the meds right I need to be able to do everything I can to reduce the physical pain - I really can't handle both that and the emotional struggles!

I may have to pack up my babies here and take a trip on the boat myself - don't know where we would stay (in the car would be okay if it was just Toby and I) - so maybe that is an option if you have Cat lol

Can't stand the though of you being alone there - maybe you should buy a little cat beanie baby to cuddle and pretend we are all there with you Smiley Very Happy

Here's one for you to look at in the meantime Heart

Re: Am Not Coping

Awwww @Zoe7 .... that beanie cat is so beautiful .... thank you .....

I went to Build a Bear last year with D3 and built a Toothless Dragon baby ...... it makes a purring noise when you press a particular spot, and a heart-beat noise when you press another one.


Wh would not welcome Cat, I can assure you ..... but I could park up in another car with her next to you .... we would find coping ways .....

Yes, I think sunnies belong in a coping box, definitely ..... great suggestion @Zoe7 @Appleblossom .....


Re: Am Not Coping

We'd go parking @Faith-and-Hope lol I know if we did that I would 'lose' Toby also - I have no doubt he would run straight to you and you wouldn't want to let him go either - just like me. He is the most friendly (attention-seeking), adorable little puppy dog - especially when he lays back in your arms lifke a little baby and falls asleep while you scratch his tummy - soooooooooo cute Smiley Very Happy

I made bears with the kids at school a few years ago to sell at the school fair - we ended up taking orders for more because we sold out. It was hard work for me (had to sew pieces together by hand and only a couple of the kids could do that) but it was well worth it. I think we ended up making around 60 teddy bears in a week. All I can say is it is a good thing I don't sleep much otherwise they never would have got done LOL

I love Toothless though - he is adorable Heart I often think of Toothless when you talk about your baby dragons - so it is very fitting that that is what you made Smiley Tongue

Re: Am Not Coping

Hey @Faith-and-Hope just had a thought - no don't fall over LOL

We could head off to Lakes Entrance and @Owlunar could meet us there Smiley Very Happy

Re: Am Not Coping

And now I have to look up where Lakes Entrance is .... lol .... I am still a foreigner here.  Apart from the city and The Coffee Place, we really haven’t been anywhere else .... oh, apart from a drive to the Mornington Peninsular and back last year, without stopping even for a coffee, cos we had to get back for someone’s routine .....

If we are spending more time here next year I am going to have to go exploring more than I have.