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Re: Am Not Coping

Stupid routine @Faith-and-Hope Smiley Happy

It has been so long since I have been to your present part of the world. I used to know where everything was and places to go but it has been around 7 years since I was there last Smiley Sad

I did used to go a couple of times a year - usually to the footy and to the tennis. Mum would ask me often to go over with her but to be honest I did not have the energy. It really does show me how unwell I was becoming over a long period of time and I am amazed now that I made it as far as I did over the last few years without 'crashing' earlier. I suppose being rushed to hospital from your GPs is a clear sign that you are not well LOL

We will have to make a list @Faith-and-Hope of all the places 'we' can go - and you can post pictures for me - will be as if I am there too Heart

I am going to try for a little more sleep again - can barely keep my eyes open and stupid headache getting worse again. Will check in later Hon Heart

Re: Am Not Coping

Dozing off here too @Zoe7 ..... 😴💕

Re: Am Not Coping

The free brown tram circles the city @Faith-and-Hope  I have sung in most the inner city churches and a few synagogues.

When I am on train I will keep an eye out for a lady wearing your colours from your profile pic ... lol 

Great city ... lanes and parks are good ... but be more careful at night ... 

@Zoe7Sorry ... lol ... I did not mean for you to feel taken for granted ...or part of the furniture ... cept in a good way .. lol ... Most of us have more glasses and sunnies than we used to ... I have about 7 ... as they kept upping script and I keep old ones for when I lose new ones ... we seem to have more of everything ....

Sunnies were once stood for cool, but NOW they also stand for covering up on a bad day ... cept of course when they wear them on their heads and are utterly ravishing ... lol  Meeh .. not many like that really

I think of this as your thread as you are original poster and I try and keep some sense of the purpose for the thread. That is all I meant.Heart


Re: Am Not Coping

Lol @Appleblossom ..... I wear my sunnies on my head as much as I do on my nose ...... scratch the ravishing part tho ...... look for a Bohemian old duck in my colours with her sunnies on her head ...... 😂

Re: Am Not Coping

That is exactly how I too it @Appleblossom - not as being taken for granted at all but in a good way Smiley Tongue I thought it was really lovely and made me smile Heart

Sunnies are only not cool when you are looking for them and then you realise you are already wearing them (or maybe that is just me that is not cool when thst happens lol) It is a bit like me looking for my pencil in the classroom - I was always asking who 'stole' it until one of the kids would kindly walk up to me and take it out of my hair - or simply shake their head at me and point to my head. I reckon that would happen at least one a day - you would think I would learn wouldn't you Smiley LOL

@Faith-and-Hope lol - and I would be the Bohemian looking fat duck in my colours (that would be if snything fitted me right now lol)

Re: Am Not Coping

Yep, that’s me @Zoe7 @Appleblossom ..... looking all over the place for my favourite glasses .... huff when I can’t find them .... pick up a second pair to put on top of my head .... ka-chiiink !! ..... knock them against the favourite pair already parked there ....


Re: Am Not Coping

Re: Am Not Coping

I am heading off to walk in the pool for a bit .... trying to be a little less round .... back later .... ❣️

Re: Am Not Coping

Oh Hon Smiley Sad

I'll come with you then @Faith-and-Hope Heart

Re: Am Not Coping

What a fabulous idea @Zoe7 @Faith-and-Hope

I am in for a quick 20 laps .. must be a bit manic.

It is even worse when you have swimming goggles to look for.  I will go without.  I am doing yogic eye exercises to help compensate for my lousy eyesight and dependency on glasses.

I also now have a morning or so without glasses.  It is good for overall eye health.