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Re: Am Not Coping

I am okay @Zoe7,   Trying to spend some more time with WH in alignment with our counselling, which is resulting in some communication issues .... which hasn’t changed.  I am not coping so well with that in the moment, but there is a lot of opportunity within his regimen to take some recovery time-out ..... so doing that and it helps.

I am feeling displaced / a bit fragile by other stuff in this process, but the whole picture is going to have to emerge before that outcome changes.

I have been upping my exercise, and resting.  Not much more I can do really .... just wait it out .....


Re: Am Not Coping

oh Hon that is so hard for you Smiley Sad Does it feel a bit like everyone in the family is on one side of a very large field and you are on the opposite side on your own @Faith-and-Hope?

I wish I was there with you - to just be there for you - so you were less alone Heart

Re: Am Not Coping

Not everyone is involved yet @Zoe7 ..... just S2, WH and me ..... and yeah ..... AFL football field .....

Involvement of others is about to start.   I don’t know whether that is going to help me, help us, or make things worse.  We are about to find out .......

You being here, when you can be, helps me more than you know ..... but I know you still think of me when you need to take time away from the forums ...... and that is enough ...... just knowing that you care.


Re: Am Not Coping

That is lovely to hear Hon - and really, really needed tonight. Heart A few hours ago I could have quite easily left here and not come back but the only thing that stops that is YOU @Faith-and-Hope Heart

I am really finding everything so hard again. We can't start increasing my meds until my blood pressure is under control and the headaches stop. Then it is going to be a slow process of gradually increasing them a little at a time to try to decrease the side effects. These meds are not going to 'fix' my depression - they are only going to get me back to a place where I can 'function' a little better during the day. Then there will still be the nights to deal with Smiley Sad But they (gp and pdoc) need to start somewhere. I am trusting they know what they are doing but so tired of trying!

Re: Am Not Coping

Dozing off .... @Zoe7 ♥️   I will look in on you if I wake up during tthe night .....


Re: Am Not Coping

Goodnight sweetheart. Hope you sleep throughout the night @Faith-and-Hope. I don't know what this weekend holds for me but I know that you know I will be thinking of you even if I am not here - and holding you close to my heart Hon HeartHeartHeart


Re: Am Not Coping

Thank you @Zoe7 .... you are doing so well ..... just keep swimming Hon .....we have got to get me to Tassie yet ......


Re: Am Not Coping

tomorrow would be good @Faith-and-Hope Smiley Very Happy

Re: Am Not Coping

🤗🤗🤗 @Zoe7 💕

Re: Am Not Coping

@Faith-and-Hope All aboard Smiley Tongue