09-07-2018 05:07 PM
09-07-2018 05:07 PM
Hello everyone , im a bit new to this but wondering if there is any 50+ borderline personality disorders , or just anyone struggling to get through winter , thanks wendie
09-07-2018 09:20 PM
09-07-2018 09:20 PM
Hi @Wendie and welcome to the forums ..... 👋
There most certainly are some 50+ people here with borderline personality disorder challenges .....
I will tag some of our community members to come and say hello .....
@outlander @Sans911 @Teej @CheerBear @Former-Member @greenpea
(bearing in mind that some may be in a struggle situation at the moment, and there is no obligation to respond .....
Another way of sourcing threads specific to BPD is to enter the full name or abbreviation into the Search bar found on each page, which will take you to topic threads with this in their title.
A thread we have regarding mood disorders associated with winter months is here.
Please feel free to ask questions to help you find your way around, and tag other forum members in response to posts with an @ symbol ahead of their forum name as you see demonstrated above.
09-07-2018 09:34 PM
09-07-2018 09:34 PM
09-07-2018 09:38 PM
09-07-2018 09:38 PM
Welcome to the forums @Wendie
I hope that the forums are a supportive and helpful space for you. I do have a BPD diagnosis amongst others but find winter to be quite draining as well. Its too cold to get out much and i think i am missing the opportunities for exercise... I'm not as experienced in age as you were looking for though i feel 80 at times... I have two youngish children who do keep me busy enough however.
If you feel up to sharing more I'll be listening 🙂
Take care,
09-07-2018 09:41 PM
09-07-2018 09:41 PM
Hi @Wendie
I don't fit the 50+ category, but I'm only a couple of years off. I have borderline personality disorder, and I'm having a hard time just getting through life, never mind winter.
I try to structure something into my days to get me up and moving, and out of the house. Even just to go out for a coffee. Or make a commitment to someone to catch up. But I don't feel too bad for laying in, catching up on sleep, a movie, good book.
Is this kind of what you are looking for? How to get through these darker days?
09-07-2018 09:45 PM
09-07-2018 09:45 PM
10-07-2018 05:42 AM
10-07-2018 05:42 AM
@Wendie Hi Wendie I am 50+ but have bp1 and schizo but am happy to talk anytime you want ohhh and welcome to the forums 😄
10-07-2018 12:09 PM
10-07-2018 12:09 PM
10-07-2018 12:13 PM
10-07-2018 12:13 PM
10-07-2018 02:45 PM
10-07-2018 02:45 PM
Hi @Wendie
Just to let you know, if you want to tag someone to chat, say thanks, etc you need to put the @ first, and if you've recently had contact with that person, a drop down menu will open with members names on them. That way those people will be notified.
I'm quite unmotivated too right now, and I'm back in bed after going out to a breakfast forum about social inclusion.
I have 2 cats, Jasper whose 8months, and Mr A. (not his real name but his initial as both cats as on social media a fair bit, & his name is unusual, so it's to protect my privacy). There is a number of photos in these forums of them, as my forum sister @outlander
likes to be 'kitty spammed' when she's a bit low.
I love, love, love books and I have 7 large bookshelves all full in my home. Unfortunately, my ability to concentrate for long periods means I don't read nearly as much as I used to.
I'm really glad you have a supportive family as that's incrediblely important. Perhaps just for now try to go out every other day with your husband or daughters. It could be as simple as sitting or a short walk in the morning the park, coffee in a quiet cafe, taking in a movie. Just take small steps to getting out again. It might be really challenging at first, and don't beat yourself up if you need to come home after just a short while.
It's just that social isolation turns into a double edged sword. When you start feeling better some where down the line, and feel OK to go out, it will be harder, you'll feel ackward & uncomfortable, and you'll want to go out less, which will potentially spiral you down into the depression again. This is happening to me right now. So in isolating more, and feeling worse. Sometimes, we have to push the uncomfortable feelings boat out.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on this or whether you can challenge yourself to get out. Tag me anytime
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