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Re: Re:

Dearest @Zoe7

Thank you for your information. How is your homework going? So.... do you do these? Core Mindfulness or Interpersonal Effectiveness......they sound very emotional.


If I remember, you have several degrees, don't you?


This bit is wonderful that you write down how you have dealt with your days and writing down your emotions on how you react on cards.....

I discover that I'm going artwork with my emotions in them.....

It feels like every day can get worse at the moment for me while Mr Buddha deals with dealing with a rise in his mh and I'ts so emotionally exhausting and then I feel guilty all the time.....

My son came over last night. He yells and yells and then he apologises and then goes to work, he is not doing so great either but he's promised to come to the GP with us next Wednesday. 


Thank you for writing what you wrote. It's giving me tips on my life 




Community Guide

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Interpersonal Effectiveness is our next module @PeppiPatty then Coe Minfulness after that. All the modules have their challenges - I have found Emotional Regulation a little easier than Distress Tolerance but I think that is more to do with me feeling a little more comfortable in the group rather than the content.


I am sorry to hear that every day feels like it is getting worse for you - that is a really tough place to be in Smiley Sad I hope the GP visit with your son went ok and there are some steps forward that you can all take together Heart


Yes you remember correctly Hon - I have 2 Bachelor degrees in Arts and Teaching and a Graduate Diploma in Social Research - plus a TAFE Certificate in Working with Young People. I did the last 2 in the same year so it was a pretty full-on year.


Happy to answer any questions you have about DBT @PeppiPatty I can see the benefits of it in the future more so than now but I think it is beginning to help me - some of the skilsl I already do but learning new strategies to help me get through each day is a bonus.



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Dear @Zoe7,

I remember you very well.....small children at one stage, right?

Nothing would ever prepare me for being a fulltime carer for my darling husband.


The positives are that : We are so meant to be together........

But the 24/7 hour's so so intense. Everything is intense. I'm tossing up whether to go on a community page and write: Husband ill: My dog needs walking, I'm very tired, the flat is a pigsty, can anyone take my beautiful dog for a walk for a promise for a cooked meal in a container further down the track??

I think I'm going to do it.

To get a bit of me time, I got my hair done and cut and coloured. I now have dark hair. We dropped over to my Mum's..what a mistake: she screaming at me ......I know your there.....wait .....then her friend gave me some clothes and she's going through the clothes and telling me what I can have and what I can't have......

She didn't stop yelling.....Oh, you stopped me from cleaning out all the dog's poo out the back......she has a gardener, a house cleaner, a dog walker, an ironer..... we walked in she said she hated my hair cut.....gave me the clothes, the ones she decided would maybe fit her and told me and Mr Buddha to leave. 

Mr Buddha almost fainted in the supermarket. 

I'm getting some support right now. 


Im going to read your message now......

Thank you for writing.......

Community Guide

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I did work with smaller children for a while when I worked at a Women's Shelter @PeppiPatty - we mostly had the younger kids that weren't at school but some days we had the older kids that couldn't go to school for various reasons.


I have taught kids from College right down to prep in various roles as a teacher - the grade 3/4 level is my favourite!


Sounds like you need a little respite from your life at the moment @PeppiPatty but I know that is hard to get when you are looking after family and there are so many variables at play. I think you asking for some help in walking the dog is a great idea - especially if you can play to your strengths and cook a meal in return. I would do it for nothing if I could for you - I suppose I know how hard it is to get out with youor dog when there is so much going on for you Smiley Happy


The interaction with your mother sounds horrible and would be upsetting - but you seemed to be handling it well - just being able to write about your experience with her is getting it off your chest a little Heart


Glad you are getting some support right now - you deserve all the help you can get Smiley Happy

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I didn't think that you did....I remember parts of your story @Zoe7...???

If I use my little cells in my brain, I will remember an awesome novel of a lady who entered's a great read.....

The Author might have been called Marie Cardinal.......

Let me have a look 

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We all need to get proper support. 

Im just going online to get support from the community and maybe.....someone will help out? 


Going to Bible Study tonight. It's awesome xx

Community Guide

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Good for you @PeppiPatty - you need to do those things for yourself that give you a purpose ...that is where I need to get back to and maybe work is that thing for me but I need to be able to function and do the job and that is where I am presently stuck.

I just looked up that author too - the book is The Words To Say It - looks interesting!

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its a hard read @Zoe7.... just the first chapter...... I pretty much sped read the first chapter and read the book but read it over and over realising how important the beginning was.....

If you go on 


and punch name and novelist they will show you the cheapest place to purchase the book including postage and packaging.......


i'm realising that more and more that my past has defined my future....... the twisty turney marriage I've got but nothing is as bad as my bpd mum 

Community Guide

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I will add the book to my list of books I would like to buy when I have a little more money @PeppiPatty Smiley Happy


Our past definitely has a huge affect on our present - we are shaped by our experiences but it is difficult not to let them define us in the present - that is where we often struggle with who we are compared to where we want to be Smiley Frustrated

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Dear @Zoe7 

@Darcy @Smc @lapses @Mazarita @Exoplanet @Determined@Appleblossom @Twinklelight @outlander @saturnzoon @Wendie @TAB @plasmo @Sophie1 @Owlunar @Teej @Kurra

@Appleblossom @Dec @Adge  @Maggie @Bubbles3 @Heavenbound

@BambiFawn @Shaz51 @eudemonism @BlueBay @Ant7 @Holly24


It's a journey isn't it. 

I was thinking yesterday that I really always wanted to get to University and do a Sociology I'm doing it and didn't realise it was going to be so difficult but there you go.....I've always wanted to do art and I'm doing it but not in the way I have ever wanted to. 


What did you want to do @Zoe7? I just gave a call out in the local community facebook page for someone to walk my dog and already had two people walking him.....truly grateful.  xxx