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Re: Re:

I majored in Sociology @PeppiPatty and then went on to do a Grad Dip in Social Research - so happy to discuss/help you with your studies.


'What did you want to do?' - in what respect @PeppiPatty ?

Senior Contributor

Re: Re:

Yes re stuck and job-stuck and past and trying to change course/rebuild @PeppiPatty thx for tag and @Zoe7
Community Guide

Re: Re:

Rebuilding is hard @TAB and it makes it harder when you are feeling stuck with no clear direction.

Senior Contributor

Re: Re:

A ..Plan .. is the key ok what you want vs what you can yeah, hard @Zoe7 esp w little/no support ok perspective well and while World tumbles down ok crumbles maybe but definite re direction sorry bit glummo
Senior Contributor

Re: Re:

@PeppiPatty congrats on starting Sociology - I did Sociology at uni over 20 years ago and i remember the reading being very slow going and difficult - but I loved the classes and conversations and assignments - .... I hope you find bits you love too !  ... oh I just started learning Cello ! It’s much harder than I thought too and I can’t even hold the bow properly yet lol ... but at least I’m trying something new just for me - I am very proud of that 🙂 

Re: Re:

G'day @Sophie1 @Zoe7 @TAB @BlueBay @Wendie


Okay: this is what I propose @Zoe7

I am thinking that you begin a new thread about what you and me and all these people are talking about in @TAB s thread. 


I'm writing my essay only 1500 words on Fundamentalism and Globalisation right now. 

I've found a great book called 

Religious Fundamentalism and Social Identity by
Book by Peter Herriot 
but am using about 10 others. I'm finding definitions peer-reviewed on Fundamentalism and Globalisation. I've pretty much written it but then on Thursday night, realized it's badly structured so spent the night snipping up the printed version from Office works and I'm trying to put it all together in the plan I've written out. 
It's just every time you put a sentence down you want to expand it and you look at a different book and it's so interesting ......
Senior Contributor

Re: Re:

1500wds became the easy ones @PeppiPatty .. re essays .. 15,000 I made harder than it was re hons thesis got thru it tho and scraped in a Distinction ok lecturer in coursework part had a real problem with each other re points of view/positions and yea sexual tension anyway got 2a Hons in end ok after downgraded(?) to History..

Re: Re:


Support is extremely difficult especially for an adult male.....this is what I think at least.

IDEAS for Support: 


Start off with seeing your Gp. They have a wonderful folio and computer full of this..they can go beyond the normal....mental health check and give you info on group meetings, carers turning up to take you places or helping you with a budget....


Support groups: be creative: check out meditation courses, or art classes at the local Psych hospital. They are awesome. I'm actually going to volunteer at one so can get classes as well.


Pastor of your community. It doesn't matter if you don't go to church, They will still come. Truly amazing. 


starting a TAFE class in art or pottery etc.


5. Libary classes. 


6. Volunteer at the Art Gallery ? 




Re: Re:

yes but I'm 50. bitter and no high iq issues ok @TAB

Everything is an effort. 1e1ffcc2-9cfc-48f5-b2ba-af73fb876489.jpgshaz51.jpeg

Senior Contributor

Re: Re:

Ha cute re trolley @PeppiPatty I was partly tipped over edge re going to uni cos Dr Karl , paid clown 🤡 that he can be, has big achievements etc and yet professes (pardon me for using dr karl-speak) .. an IQ of a 100 .. hmm I used to float around 115 always beat sister and she tried testing over time thought my alcohol intake would give her the edge. Apparently not. At least not in that case.