27-11-2016 06:19 PM
27-11-2016 06:19 PM
Hi @Arjay,
my response to your question would depend on what you were hoping to get out of that interaction at the time. My standard answer is that I'm still on my emotional roller coaster or that I've been having a hard time of late but fighting my way through. I think if you really wanted to talk to her about how you were feeling then maybe a different approach. I think if you give an honest answer followed by that you are working on it, and then ask them about their life they are less likely to worry about conversing with you or worry about you but they know where you are at.
Enjoy the eating and drinking while you can. I'm on a reversible MAOI which luckily means no diet restrictions unless I'm on a very high dose, which I've been and it's not much fun, so I'm thinking of you.
hugs 💜🤗
27-11-2016 06:20 PM
27-11-2016 06:20 PM
27-11-2016 07:57 PM
27-11-2016 07:57 PM
Thanks for your answers. The lady is a great friend and she understands.
I was on a maoi for 8 years plus. An irreversible, it is most likely the one I'll go back on. Was a large dose too, had only one bad interaction. I'll do some more reading re irreversible ones. Thanks.
27-11-2016 08:14 PM
27-11-2016 08:14 PM
27-11-2016 09:13 PM
27-11-2016 09:13 PM
Hi again @Faith-and-Hope
I'm starting to feel a bit better now, I was nauseated too and vomited this morning. I tried to take some painkillers but that didn't stay down, for some reason I don't tolerant paracetamol too well. I am still a bit nauseated now but I think I should be okay in the morning. I have massage booked for tomorrow afternoon.
27-11-2016 09:27 PM
27-11-2016 09:27 PM
27-11-2016 09:59 PM
27-11-2016 09:59 PM
27-11-2016 10:04 PM
27-11-2016 10:04 PM
Thanks @Former-Member !!
27-11-2016 10:06 PM
27-11-2016 10:06 PM
Hi @Former-Member
Thanks for call out. I have been across town doing music & lit stuff. It has been a good weekend for me but stress of driving does my neck in .. so taking it easy now .. and trying to arrange less driving as a rule .. but also it seems necessary that I keep "modelling" active and creative and "having a life".
My son checked and topped up the oil in my car today .. and has agreed to wash it. Relief. Hooray.
He was missed at 2 of the sessions I went to .. his self esteem is a bit flip flopping at the moment .. but he had his own version of reasonable weekend. Spends a lot of time playing computer games online with his father .. I am actually wondering if it is regressive for him .. he has to sort it out though.
I also went to a friend piano teacher for some audition hints. I cant really afford lessons for me .. so go the intuitive route .. but constructive feedback always helps.
In all my social situations I am in a steady formation .. keeping polite but also direct and reciprocal and public .. but I am less naive and realise that I have rarely been that paranoid .. but that people are pretty self involved generally.
I also do the "not bad" rejoinder .. it covers a host of emotional realities.
Hi @Former-Member Sorry you have been unwell for a while.
I am amazed you have been able to hang on to one therapist for that long.
I believe you might be better off finding another person... maybe as a way to wean off when you feel ready .. but an insight into how another person works and relates to you might give you more confidence in the long run.
How is your volunteering going? Are the days long and outdoors? Mine will be, but I am still jumping through their hoops before I actually start. I am wanting to do a bit of on the job training too. I am so glad that you gave me the idea to look up my local place ... thanks for just being you.
27-11-2016 10:30 PM
27-11-2016 10:30 PM
Hi @Appleblossom.
Im so glad everything seems to be going ok for you at the moment with the exception of your neck. It's great to hear you are doing so many things for you and keeping busy.
Im happy your son is helping out a bit too. I wanted to say that I don't have any worries about kids being gamers. I've seen a few TED talks on online gamers and it put my mind to rest. They have great communication, cooperation and collaboration skills. My S2 is a gamer when he can and any chance he has. With exams finished he is playing online as much as he can. All of the kids I know who are gamers are great kids and most have had great social skills too.
As far as socialising in the big wide world you are streets ahead of me. I think I will get a shock to see what people are really like when I get there.
I hope your volunteering goes well and hope you get the training too. Best wishes 💜🤗
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