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Re: Just checking in.

Hi @PeppiPatty ☺ Nice to 'see' you. I like the "plan of the day" pad of paper idea. Hope your day has some good in it for you.

Re: Just checking in.

Hi @CheerBear

 plans really help me.

Today I'm cleaning the bedroom and while hubby sleeps all day ( more about that later) I can visit a friend who suffers mental ill health and also so my assignment for my next University course I'm doing. 


I have noticed if I don't get a plan for the day, I waste it and often forget appointments.

My life is already pretty hard. If I forget things I tend to get pretty neurotic and feel bad for a long time. 

Planning your day is good.

Husband, Little Buddha, went for a sleep test and his sleep apnoea is at a critical stage, normal is 10% -20%  and getting worse while his sleep apnoea is 95% The symptoms are sleeping all day and weight gain. 

Re: Just checking in.

I'm a plan fan also @PeppiPatty. Sounds like you have a bit on today. Sorry to hear about husband. That would be hard for both of you I'd think.

Re: Just checking in.

Hi @PeppiPatty thanks for tagging me.
Sorry to hear about your husband. It's good that you got some plans done.

I don't know if I like plans very much for myself. I typically turn "plans for the day" into "insurmountable obstacles and reasons to hide in bed".

Re: Just checking in.

Hi @TheVorticon@CheerBear@PeppiPatty@Faith-and-Hope@Shaz51

I tend to agree with you about plans @TheVorticon

However I did have plans for today to get out and enjoy the sunshine which has fallen by the wayside, although I’ve tried to soak up that beautiful sun here a few times. I didn’t sleep last night. I’m not sure what I have and hoping it’s just gastro but have stomach pain which isnt going yet. Crossing fingers it’s gone by tomorrow. Oh well there’s always tomorrow. The long term weather forecast says it’s going to be a mild warm winter so there may be lots more days to enjoy it yet.

@PeppiPatty I have to do the sleep apnea tests too. It sounds like your hubby is really struggling with it. I’m not really sure what will turn up. For now I’ve put my head in the sand with it. 

i hope you days are going ok. 



Re: Just checking in.

Hi @PeppiPatty & @CheerBear do hope your weekend has been a good one.

Re: Just checking in.

Good to see you around @TheVorticon, even if it is in little bits. Have been thinking of you.

Hope your stomach ache settles soon @Teej and you get some sleep tonight 💗

Hiya @Bimby2! How are you going? Thank you and hope your weekend has been a good one for you ☺

Re: Just checking in.

Hope your stomach ache settles soon @Teej Heart

Hello @CheerBear, @Bimby2, @TheVorticon, @PeppiPatty

Re: Just checking in.

Adearest @TheVorticon

May I tag some others .... @Shaz51 @CheerBear @Bimby2 @Teej @Appleblossom @Former-Member @Mazarita @Jacques 

@Former-Member @Former-Member @Cossack 

I feel that this is a place of wishes too.....a few years ago I was the person that put the timetable in the fridge and followed the plans for the day. I had the A4 poster on the wall for my hubby, Little Buddha that wrote 


1. Look in the mirror.

2. get a comb.

3. brush your hair.

4. Style your hair

5. Have a good hair day !! 

At 50 years old, I am out of practice. I am tired and things get on top of me. For the first time; I actually flew over to visit my brothers over east and saw beautiful Adelaide and Sydney. I had a proper break. Little Buddha and I do not need to worry about self-medicating or stressful sons. Our problems are only of my Mum who is still draining me out of any personality with my family.  To have an extremely selfish Mum has been a huge problem for me and little Buddha have not let us define her. It's very hard. My Psychotherapist used to tell me that she is a typical unaware BLP Mother. But there is hope. There is always hope.

When I write about plans, this is a project thing for me too.....we are all in it.....I have the plans for the day. My bathroom is still a mess. My homework isn't done. I try just like you to get motivation. I try to get medication not the thing I think of.

We are all in it together xxxx

Re: Just checking in.

Thanks @PeppiPatty it helped me to read this today. It’s been a turbulent day but have just washed my hair and now need to tick the other things on your list 😁

thanks @CheerBear, it ended up being a virus that’s been interesting to say the least. Hopefully am at the 'kicking it' now stage. Just have a residual headache that’s on it’s way out too.... yay. 

Hi @Bimby2 👋. I haven’t seen you at Friday feast for a while. How is your kitten going?  I have a feeling it’s 1 yr old now. 

Hoping everyone’s day is ok.