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Re: Just checking in.

Im glad your back too @PeppiPatty

Re: Just checking in.

@Mazarita You have no idea how much you love means to means so much and I so so appreciate it. All this love back to you .... it's knocking on the door to wrap itself around you ...........

Yes, I was blessed to being asked to begin at the beginning and have @NikNik as the head then......

Not that it matters but my original desire 4 years ago was that we all began a very positive supportive thread for people suffering mental ill health and other UNmet needs....and their carers..........I think that there might still be a few of us here....from the beginning..... I remember thinking that we needed to just keep it positive and only write gentle positive things........but it wouldn't have blossomed without these wonderful moderators........

You cam on a little after if I remember @Mazarita.....  @Former-Member ..... @Jacques

Re: Just checking in.


Re: Just checking in.

Anyway I’ve got to run. Well. To bed. Have work tomorrow. See how much longer I can fake it for lol . Really in week off mode but they choose when I work and beggars can’t be choosers apaz Nite @PeppiPatty

Re: Just checking in.


Im speechless.

My Mum and your Dad are twins and I've had a huge amount of Mum in the past week.........

All this love is is is.............



Re: Just checking in.

Re: Just checking in.

..likeSands of the Hourglass @PeppiPatty ... These are the Days of Our Lives .. lol

Re: Just checking in.

What th @PeppiPatty although possibly true.. or were you doing a soapie plot

Re: Just checking in.

I felt warm when you sent love to the door and wrapped it around me, and smiled, thank you, @PeppiPattyHeart Woman Happy

I love too your original idea of keeping it positive, with gentle feelings. I came here about a year after you. You were very welcoming and I'm grateful. I remember you tagging me into Friday Feast. I was shy on the forum then, lol. True that the moderators do a great job. Gee we've typed a lot of words here since then! 

Re: Just checking in.

Well my father lost fiancee after she came across to other side of world with improbably pregnant . I thought differently of it when told ok in teens but guess he couldn’t handle it. He actually met her in the streets while he was on an uncharacteristic working for friend away from home in Adelaide thingo 20 plus years later Stup Germans. Stupid father. I rang him today says been told 2 yrs to live. Think that’s optimistic but wouldn’t care to swap places. Maybe. @PeppiPatty anyway bath is calling here then trying sleep again. Today has totally not gone to plan. Am hoping to arrive at same point as tho it had tho at 6am tomorrow re work haha