23-08-2015 06:14 PM
23-08-2015 06:14 PM
I'm trying to get over how amazing the weather in Sydney was. It was like a summer day. Yesterday was 27 degrees where I was!
23-08-2015 06:21 PM
23-08-2015 06:21 PM
Hi @Eagle I had a nice day when I finally went outside too.
My son was at Centennial Park at the colour run .. except he wanted a book under the tree while the others went off and did the hyper exciting stuff. It was for my niece's birthday.
23-08-2015 07:18 PM
23-08-2015 07:18 PM
Sydney @Eagle? The other side of the universe, in Perth Western Australia, the weather was beautiful too 🐃🐰🐤🐏🐇🐦🐭🐁🐩🐢🐂🐃🐥🐦🐹🐢🐕
30-08-2015 10:39 AM
30-08-2015 10:39 AM
30-08-2015 12:21 PM
30-08-2015 12:21 PM
Hey guys!
How has everyones week been?
It seems that there has been some real successes!
30-08-2015 12:42 PM
30-08-2015 12:42 PM
Hi @Fancy_Pants,
My week has bee npretty lousy, i was very depressed, but i seem to have had a good weekend. i could not sleep last night with @hiddenite's news about buying her home on friday, i am so proud of her.
i can't believe how far @hiddenite, @chookmojo, @Appleblossom and @PeppiPatty have come this week, things seem to be really moving forward for all of them, it brings me such great joy too see how far everyone on the forum has come over the past week's and month's, it gives me some hope maybe one day i can move forward a little bit.
I hope your sunday is going well @Fancy_Pants, and all on here, happy sunday funday!!!!!
30-08-2015 01:38 PM
30-08-2015 01:38 PM
Hi @Jacques
im sorry to hear about your week but i am glad that you still pushing and are keeping busy (ie with the doors). when i read your message the image that came to mind (i tend to think in images) was something like this... the clogs are moving because everyone is pushing and movement inspires movement, but movement looks different for everyone depending on where you are sitting. Hold on and your friends on the forum will hold with you your hope and ability to move.....
hopefully that made sense...
re @hiddenite @chookmojo @Appleblossom @PeppiPatty I know!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
i love these forums because of the strenght of the individuals in it
30-08-2015 03:29 PM
30-08-2015 03:29 PM
Hi there, it's been a fairly difficult weekend.. my kids were sick last week and now i've got it and my lil guy is getting worse too. off to the drs tomorrow.
oh well!
30-08-2015 03:48 PM
30-08-2015 03:48 PM
Thats no good @Former-Member .. fluids up and cosy up ,,,,
It so interesting @Jacques that you say that we are "moving" .. I feel I am slowing down to a standstill and thats fine.. different interpretations ...
the biggest thing for is actually feeling part of a community .. for so long I either picked the wrong groups or had the wrong role
when we observe others and think they are doing better than us .. I was feeling guilty that I was lazy and you were powering through jobs in the garden .. its all good ..evetually I dragged my old carcass outside and had lovely afternoons doing green stuff.
30-08-2015 03:59 PM
30-08-2015 03:59 PM
Hi @Former-Member its always like that isnt it, any illness seems to go through the whole house... and especially sick kids break your heart to watch them, hopefully you all get better soon!!
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