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Self Care Activities

Re: Self Care Activities

Always a work in progress with self care or other care.

@outlander @Snowie @LostAngel @Former-Member @Shaz51 


How much of a good thing is something we need to balance.

Smiley Happy

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Re: Self Care Activities


Hi @Shaz51  - howvou feeling today?  Thanks for the callout about the Coping Box 👍 and pic to summarise. I've had to pull my coping box out a lot over the years, since learning about it here. I keep mine simple cause just so overwhelmed when I have to go there. Helps.


This image is my self care activity today... Purple iris that won't flower this year - so today I dug it out, separated into three attractive pots 🤞. Hope it works and they come good, beause my girl loved purple. It's overcast out today, and still, but really nice (no hot sun), therapeutic out there. Even a kookaburra came by today, watching me a while (much to the distress of a flock of honeybirds), Kukka had a a good laugh. Yesterday we had a WillyWag dancing around. The birds bring me joy, the fresh air snd being active and creativite, all helps 🔆  🌱🔆🌳🔆🌿🔆


Re: Self Care Activities

hello and hugs my @Former-Member 

thank you for your message , i love purple too 

i even had my room painted 2 shades of purple years ago 

Birds are lovely , willy wagtails, honey eaters are building a nest on the clothes line 

it is raining up here 

i brought mum a orchid last year and it has flowered this weekend , lovely 

resting a bit today @Appleblossom , @Former-Member , got a belly full of wind for some reason today 

going to make a Tuna bake for dinner tonight xx

Re: Self Care Activities

My whites are in full flower and the purple are budding nicely.  My physio's garden is finally bearing iris!

@Former-Member @Shaz51 

Blue Blooms and BudsBlue Blooms and Buds

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Re: Self Care Activities

Hello @outlander  I had to laugh when you said that I reminded you that you need to buy some new clothes. I don't remember this but I do hope you have had fun choosing something nice for yourselve. A great pick me up! I really feel for everyone in lockdown it is very intimidating and quite suffocating. Fingers crossed it doesn't last long.


everthing in moderation is good for you outlander. Just not everyday all day. A haircut is such a good self care activity. Go wild with your imagination it will grow out...Lol

Not applicable

Re: Self Care Activities

Love this @Appleblossom 

Re: Self Care Activities

Todays self care activities where resting,getting plenty of sleep last night,staying calm,hot shower,regular meals,keeping connected to family,writting on the forums,going to do some reading and listen to music before bed

Re: Self Care Activities

Hello Everyone Lately Self care has been one of the main things I try to keep doing whatever day Im having,todays self care was switching off from social media and listening to relaxing soul music while trying to work out what Birthday Cake to order,but Ive also gotten back into Journalling when I feel the need to Journal,as well as keeping in contact with family by phone and message ,that along with a phone councilling session has been helpfull, also taking daily meds and eating regular meals helps too

Re: Self Care Activities

that all sounds really good @LostAngel

Re: Self Care Activities

hello @outlander ,  @Snowie  @Appleblossom todays self care was plenty of sleep,hot shower,face cream,lip gloss,eating regulary