07-04-2017 08:07 AM
07-04-2017 08:07 AM
Good morning, @BlueBay, lovely writing about the changes happening in your life. What wonderful new things to look forward to. I don't have any children so can only imagine how excited you must be about the arrival of your grandchild. And moving home always brings new energy and possibilities to me. Sounds like you too are taking that change of place as an opportunity to shake off some old patterns that may have become embedded where you have been up until now. Wonderful reading you have such hope for the future.
Good morning, @Former-Member. Hugs back to you!
11-04-2017 09:16 AM - edited 11-04-2017 10:01 AM
11-04-2017 09:16 AM - edited 11-04-2017 10:01 AM
silenced heart
your beat is strong
though misunderstanding
speaks you wrong
22-04-2017 11:53 PM
22-04-2017 11:53 PM
I got lost in life, somewhere along the way
the fire went out and in the dark I must have strayed
there's but an empty shell now, brittle with age
I hang around and wait to finish the final stage
your life's your own they say, but of death there's not a word
to smile and laugh's ok, but your tears must not be heard
my life was not my own, it was pushed from pillar to post
and now there's nothing to hold it up, my life is just a ghost
I don't even know the questions anymore, or the answers I should find
Am I giving in, giving up, or just fallen too far behind
Look into an endless void, choose a stone, let it drop
falling, always falling, no net, no sudden stop
23-04-2017 12:04 AM
23-04-2017 12:04 AM
23-04-2017 07:37 AM
23-04-2017 07:37 AM
💜💐 @Former-Member ....
23-04-2017 10:22 AM
23-04-2017 10:22 AM
I play with a story sometimes, I'm never going to finish it and no-one's ever going to read it . . . but maybe here? The first chapter that follows this is called ‘In the beginning, I hope that makes sense for where this introductory ends.
Being Earth
[Texts written in italics are accepted as facts within our society]
The introductory scene
“My name is Niquetta Jay Bellcamp”
“You're not going to believe what I’m about to say”
“Much of what I will tell you has made it into the text books. Many things have been declared proven facts. But when you hear these absolute truths, I would have you think for yourself. How can something be proved when it cannot be touched, seen, heard, smelt or tasted; when it is outside an atmosphere in which we can survive; or if it pre-dates or out-dates our written history? – Those facts are merely guesses, extremely well educated people may have brought them forth, but they are guesses all the same.”
It's amazing how fear works on the brain. Fear response is almost entirely automatic: We don't consciously trigger it or even know what's going on until its run its course. With over 100 billion nerve cells being stimulated into releasing chemicals that cause a racing heart, fast breathing and energized muscles, amongst other things; the thought of the bullet, which could be forced from the gun barrel, that was pointed at my head. . . well I was all but consumed by sensory cortex overload!
The fellow they're calling ‘Red’ is the head of Green Peace's mobile forces. He's on an extremely important mission. As it becomes clear that nuclear testing is permanently changing once static lithospheres into mobile ones at physically cosmic proportions; in other words they are shifting the land masses of Earth!; the Copernican principle is proven! The Earth is not in a central, especially favoured position in the Universe! Human Beings must be careful! This woman has a link with someone so high up, that it is believed they may have control of that testing.
“Never-the-less, you will!” and the gun barrel actually touched my right temple! It was still hot, as he had already fired it, deliberately pointing the gun towards me, but at a target behind me and to my left. A nasty little psychological form of torture, something I personally believe is worse than the physical form. These guys were top level Green Peace, they had been at War for nearly half a century! They had been emotionally hardened it that time, but they were the good guys really; they loved and respected Earth.
I was experiencing a strange kind of enjoyment from this tête–à–tête with this gun toting, military type man! I'm a lonely woman, suffering all kinds of mental health problems. Anxiety being the centre of most of them. Perhaps this situation had overwhelmed my senses enough to lift me above conscious fear. After all I was with allies, they just didn't know I was theirs yet! They didn't realize that what they were trying to defend, was virtually indestructible, and that she had absolutely nothing to do with testing anything!
Their foundation began in the early 70’s by a small team of activists from Canada. Their original mission was to witness an underground nuclear test at Amchitka, a tiny little island off Alaska; which was actually part of a small crustal block of tectorial plate being torn apart by oblique subduction — and therefore one of the least stable environments; they knew one tectonic crustal plate was colliding with another and being forced to slide underneath it. Earth was already responding in protest, by increasing internal pressure and releasing it from atmospherically positioned vents. Doing so on regular intervals, of approximately every decade and continuing unerringly.
Amchitka was one of Earth's youngest islands, and although Planets do not feel pain – there was a level of discomfort involved. Imagine it as a tiny piece of bone breaking away and bashing into another and then shifting within your flesh. Then along comes someone who pokes it with a nuclear explosion that beds down rather than perpendicular to the surface. Causing fractures that not only drain shallow water tables but empties pre-existing lakes. Fractures of up to 2 kilometres long with 6 meters of vertical displacement.
I felt like a gentle waft of annoyance that seemed to be within me but originating from everywhere, it was a heady, almost royal experience. But despite my little head spat, I knew I was not in total control of my own thoughts; yet I knew I was in compliance with their source: A source that was far more powerful than me. I was in a near psychotic state, losing grip on the very last thread of reality. So with very little hope, but a super-conscience understanding; I began my story, where all stories have to begin.
23-04-2017 10:35 AM
23-04-2017 10:35 AM
Intriguing beginning, @Former-Member. I like the idea of the earth as a being whose bones are being rubbed up against each other and shifting within the body. I can't imagine where the story might go from here but would like to read more.
23-04-2017 10:47 AM
23-04-2017 10:47 AM
sitting on a floor all day
pondering the universe in a ceiling
no-one asks how I am feeling
death, my friend and foe
you follow me wherever I go.
24-04-2017 06:14 AM
24-04-2017 06:14 AM
Become one
No need to prove self to others
Prove self to self and be at peace
What lies within cannot be known outside
So feel it, understand it, become whole
Questions, answers, cascade through our lives
Making sense of them, and lies betwixt and between
When all becomes one and the beats inside
That is peace. That is knowing. Then we are one.
24-04-2017 11:10 AM
24-04-2017 11:10 AM
In the Beginning
“Approximately 4 and a half Billion years ago the embryo of Earth was formed, a living reasoning sentient being. It is the combination of astrological energy and physical form. It is unlike anything we perceive as ‘life’ in Human terms. As all life does though, it began its evolution, but unlike any other form of Earth bound life, it has continued to do so since the beginning of time for Earth. The closest in its ‘age of evolution’ is Cyanobacteria, a blue-green algae that migrated to Earth about one and a half Billion years after the planet was formed.
Distinguishing manifestations such as metabolism, growth, reproduction; response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within an organism, is generally accepted as ‘life’. The Being Earth has an ancient form of metabolism known as Abiogenesis, a natural process by which ‘life’ arises from non-living matter; such as gases, liquid, structurally rigid elements, any molecules that contain carbon. In a way, though without a mouth or a digestive system, Earth ‘consumes’ Carbon and ‘excretes’ life energy.
Earth is indeed growing and expanding. All of what we now consider ‘continents’ once fit together on a much smaller Orb. The oldest sea bed is only 200 million years old!, quite a new development for a Being in their early Billions. Plate tectonics did not begin until the Earth had grown enough to form these beds, it is a very mature feature; obviously completely different, but somewhat like arthritis. Before the development of these ‘beds’ she simply didn’t have enough surface. Contrary to scientific beliefs, the oceanic crusts are not subdued entirely into basaltic magma.
Earth is of a species commonly known as ‘Planets’, they reproduce by exploding upon their own energies expiration; this is a ‘sexual’ process as it is necessary for the particles of at least one Star and one Planet to join to form a new embryo. There are no time or physical limits to the gestation. The resulting embryo may take on many species related forms; such as Quasarian, Jovianal, Terrestrial or Satellitian. Though these are not by far the only forms, there is an infinite possibility of creation, from this near infinite race of beings.
Earth has responded to the stimuli of excessive CO2 in many ways, some of these include Earthquakes, massive storms, Volcano eruptions; and she has also adapted in many ways, including changing the Global flow of air and Oceans, consciously moving those tectonic plates and increasing the temperature resistance for the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. The Being Earth is quite safe, though becoming obese; the organisms that dwell on her skin are not quite so.
And she fears for them, she perceives their danger far more accurately than even the most intelligent of those creatures do themselves. She can see by their sufferance that they too are sentient beings. But the most influential being on her surface, seems to lack the sapience needed to rule her skin as they do. Oh, they do believe they are wise with fair judgment; but if left to their actions, theirs alone, she would have been forced to change even more rapidly and her ability to nurture those frail organisms would have waned.
Planets are reasonably solo creatures, though they often create satellites during their explosive embryotic formations. Moons are not Planets, they are the sterile combination of two or more Planets but no Star, somewhat like an infertile egg, they do not hold life. So for Earth the migrations and evolution of tiny life energized cells was a form of company; though somewhat disembodied – they were still with her. After 3 Billion years watching Cyanobacteria live and evolve, Earth had become very fond of all its forms.
She mourned each loss as a Mother mourns for a child. Though Planets have no need for maternal instincts, reproducing only after their own death. Earth still has an immense sense of Family, as her siblings and she were of a majestic union. Her Father was a ginormous Sun, her Mother an unfathomably beautiful gaseous Planet, their union was unhindered by any other. Most Planets have multiple parentage, many are the compilation of Heptillians of Stars and Planets that have drifted for millennium and an eternity of distance.
Sarqua was an immense solar Stella mass of matter, he was also Earths Fatherstar. He had been a generous source of energy for many clusters of embryo Planets. His thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium, although an involuntary process in his core, became an impenetrable defence System. If any of his planetary wards were endangered by the migrant life forms upon their skins, he would manipulate his cores process and cause a solar proton or particle event that would decimate that enemy. Though a proud and regal form, he was somewhat intolerant of non-planetary life forms.
Vianjo, Earthmother, was an aesthetically pleasing Gaseous globe, with a golden liquid core. She wore a spiral of gaseous rings, encrusted with tiny star like jewels that emanated their own illumination. Her skin shimmered with the aurora of her energetically charged particles on her solar winds, colliding with her nearly endless variety of atoms; causing a multi-coloured brilliance unmatchable in the know infinite galaxy of Universes. Though for all her beauty, she did not harbor any migrated life and existed within a realm of loneliness.
Planets have an instinctive inherited ‘collective’ conscious, unlike the erroneous conscious of many other life forms, a Planet knows with certainty what their ancestors knew. As their generations expire the knowledge is preserved and continued to be built upon; it is also ‘shared’ with all members of their species. Unlike a spoken or written word, this knowledge is shared above conscious level. It is not learned, not memorized, not even really understood; it is simply there, as is the knowledge of how to draw upon it.
They also have the ability to choose which path they share their knowledge, as Ceres; Earth’s adopted sister, chose to do. Ceres had an eternal Parentage, a conglomerate of particles that had drifted beyond the limits of time; which had cause them to weaken substantially. She was a uni-cluster, an only child. She is positioned between Mars and Jupiter and awakened at the precise moment that Mars did. This was an extremely rare planetorial event, and the shared knowledge of Earths cluster includes that of companionship.
She did not share Mars clusters life energy, but during the millennium lifetime they did share, she formed an extremely close bond with him. This led to her purposefully sharing her intricate knowledge of hydrogenous planetary functions with his cluster. In particular the ability to emit vapers of water from the core. An unusual talent as large bodies do not typically emit vaper, it is commonly a hallmark of comets. This knowledge, of course, was shared through his family’s links, to the present awaken life energy of Earth.
This procedure of knowledge collection has led to the intelligence of Planets exceeding conscious thought into the super-conscience. Although Earth never met her Parents and will never actively communicate with her Siblings, she knows all of them apart from Venus and Mercury, intimately. She has the deep knowing, that with a distance of time, without reckoning; she will know her youngest Sister and Brother as well. She is reassured that when they awaken they will know all she has to offer; all comfort, joy, explanations; all of her consciousness.
The life energy of a Planets embryo cluster is shared, only one Planet at a time will experience it; starting with the first merged particles. In Earth’s families case this was Pluto, though Pluto was a failed Planet. During formation Pluto encountered problems, he was not in a commutate quadrant and his Fathers particles were too scarce; to put it in more Human terms he was missing vital chromosomes. Venus will be the next to awaken with the energy of life, and Mercury will be the last of Earths family to experience it; he will pass the super-conscience knowledge on to his embryos.
Nonnus is Earths cluster’s protector, we know him as the Sun. Due to the 150 million kilometres distance between Earth and her protector, it should takes years for communications to be exchanged. But due to magnetic portals these communications, when sent along diffused electron regions, can be almost instant; besides when you’re talking in Billions, years are quiet acceptable. He does share a link with Earths family; indeed he shares a link with multiple families that have thrived in his protection in the time before Earths cluster. He does not though, share Earths concern for her skin dwellers. His messages are usually an offer to exterminate the problem.
The formation of embryotic Planets can be extremely multiple, when you think in terms of Astronomical life forms you must think in huge numbers. Many Hexillion can be forming at any given moment. Though the life essence of planetary forms cannot be seen or sensed, therefore primitive life forms such as Human Beings for instance, refuse to acknowledge the existence of such essences. But on very rare occasions a communicative link may be formed between any life essences. Infinite is larger than life.
Against all impossibilities Earth, and her distinguished linage, are Planets of privilege to have established such links of communication. For Earth it began with a whisper to the Flora in her sweat; the beginning of Plants in her Oceans. The very first clandestine message was a greeting of ‘Hello’. Cyanobacteria responded merely with a deliberate radiance of positivity, quite simple and yet the first inter-species friendship was formed. 2 Billion years ago, Earth began consciously controlling her bodily functions to accommodate her little friend Cyano.
Over their lifetimes the two friends learnt each other’s language, creating an understanding of a knowledge shared. Though not in an audible spoken form, they would ‘talk’ every day, continuing a link on a super-conscious level. They shared each other’s hopes and fears; Cyano had great hopes of evolving self-controlled movement, so he could actively seek nutrients – his greatest fear was starving. Earth’s highest hope was to evolve her consciousness above physical form, her fear was of oblivion.
They understood each other’s ‘sense of family’; Cyano’s embryotic stage was much simpler than Earth’s, both Parents were in one cell; when a favourable ‘surface area to volume’ ratio was required that cell divided and Cyano was formed; He knew he was a Parent cell and he would divide to hold the ‘surface area to volume’ ratio at a favourable level. In a sense he was his own Parent, as his offspring was also his Partner. His ‘division’ was Solar powered and as such occurred every day. So although his ‘birth’ was very simple, his family relations were very multiple and complicated.
There was little more of worthy thought that needed to be contemplated by Cyano. He would probably be seen in Human terms as the most primitive form of life. But Cyano’s taxonomic arrangement, the very classification of his life’s energies procedure, is unique due to his species morphological features. The spires of Cyanobacteria’s life energy are those of the Origin Ancestors. His thought processes are on a completely different plain than that of a Planet, but are highly advanced all the same.
His previous Planet, Pluto, had suffered a catastrophic event. Due to Pluto’s level of consciousness, he was not even aware of the tiny solid structured, life energized cells; that existed firmly wedged into his thick frozen hydrogen hide. When he allowed the immense pressure, from around his inner-core; to release so rapidly; he unintentionally shed many kilometres thick of top skin. In doing so he blasted it and Cyano’s predecessors, deep into the fabric of the Universe.
His race of Cyanobacteria survived, hurtling on a giant ice comet, for so many years they have been forgotten by time. Aeons of emanations past and all knowing of each cell dwelt within its inner being. Performing the miracle of delving into the very substance, the essence of their underlying reality. The race holds the ability to morphologically adapt and are able to convert sunlight into a chemical that sustains their life energy, the bi-product of which creates oxygen. They are true Pioneers, indeed the very first and only ‘space-travellers’ to come to Earth.
Of course, most of the time these communications were of meaningless ‘chit-chat’. Also, fairly obviously Cyano was only the first of many, many friend-links the Earth made. Perhaps not so distinctive, is the fact that every life form on Earths skin, is related in some way to Cyano; and that still to this day, some of those forms – even some Human ones, have that communicative link. All a being has to do is open their eyes and see it. It is all around us, in the unexplainable, the miracles, even in our subconscious”
"So you’re telling me you have some sort of connection with the Planet, that you’re some sort of ‘Earth whisperer?!” The gun barrel by this stage had been relaxed down to the ground, even pointing away from my feet. “I’m telling you that we all can.” I could see he wasn’t really buying it; I know the signs of being ‘fobbed off’ as a looney; but at least he wasn’t being threatening or physically aggressive any more. I also knew I couldn’t give up, although I had been forced to give this information; this moment had been carefully engineered for Billions of years.
“I’m a Human Being, Earth’s a Planet Being; I’m proof we can communicate. But it’s not just Humans, she can communicate with all Living Beings on her. Planets are a kind of plague on the Universe just as Humans are a kind of plague on her: it’s all in the knowledge and perception of proportion. But Planets are needed for all surface bound life forms – and that’s a lot of life forms, including the Human race.” It was now that the Earth made her first communicated request for many living forms, encouraging every living being which was able to infiltrate the room I was in, to converge.
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