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Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday




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Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Happy birthday CB @CheerBear

Image result for happy birthday card

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Happy birthday @CheerBear, I hope you have a lovely day ❤️❤️

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Happy not-birthday @CheerBear

cb.pngcb1.pngcb3.jpgcb4.jpgsomething that matches your quirkiness :)something that matches your quirkiness 🙂cb5.pngNow, we cannot keep this cutie however ive borrowed her for the day for you.Now, we cannot keep this cutie however ive borrowed her for the day for you.

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Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Rainbow snacks to celebrate/not-celebrate?

rainbow grilled cheeserainbow grilled cheese


Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Happy Birthday @CheerBear

All the very best to you.


Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Wow - @CheerBear! Merry unbirthday to you! You are such a valued member of the community! Thanks for all you do!





Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Happy birthday @CheerBear hope you have a lovely day. ❤️❤️

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Awwww 😁 I wondered why my phone was going bananas with notifications - I completely forgot it was(n't) my birthday 😆


THANYO@Shaz51 for being the best keeper of birthdays 💗 and @TAB, @Former-Member, @oceangirl, @Razzle, @outlander, @Former-Member, @Adge, @s-jay, @BlueBay and @SunFlower_7 for making me smile lots 😊