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Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Haha @CheerBear I was wondering why it said your "not-birthday birthday".


Yep @Shaz51 is always on the ball and one to rely on! Smiley Wink

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

OMG @Shaz51, Love the anti pasto platter; right up my alley. Hope to enjoy similar this summer.

Yes @CheerBear, it's good to be back. Thankyou for the thought, made my day! Woman Happy Here's something to go with Shaz's platter...

Crusty Italian Bread SticksCrusty Italian Bread Sticks


Red wine or grape juice with dark chocolateRed wine or grape juice with dark chocolate

Hey @Teej; fancy finding a 'not-birthday' image. Who would'a thunk? Nice one!

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Happy not-Birthday sweet @CheerBear Embrace adventure!


Image result for happy birthday bear


Totally agree that @Shaz51 is a legend for helping us celebrate special days - I don't know how you keep on top of it all!

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Thanks @frog 😊❀🐸

Sometimes I imagine @Shaz51 with a huge big diary of birthdays, jotting them all down as they come up here. You are fab Shaz xoxo

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday












@CheerBear, @frog, @Hope4me

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Happy not-birthday @CheerBear.

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

a huge big diary of birthdays-- ha ha the secret is out now @CheerBear Smiley Very Happy

Imagine if I had everyone in forumland Smiley Very Happy

hello @TheVorticon Heart

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Happy not-Birthday @CheerBear .... 🎈


Pink roses on the table by Angela Moulton.jpgRelated image

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Gidday @CheerBear Heart

I didn't miss your not-birthday 'cause it wasn't a birthday πŸ˜‰ I can give you love anyday, so I'm giving you extra today HeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeart

Hope real life gave you an extra special day Heart