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Re: Good Morning!

Pretty OK today, thanks @Ant7 ! How about you? I see you work nights, is that right?

Re: Good Morning!

Good Morning @The-red-centaur yeah I bought clippers but just letting hair grow now

Re: Good Morning!

Hey, I have a question - I hope it's OK to ask it here... I uploaded a picture for my profile pic about a week ago...I just checked and it says "Items awaiting moderation: 1", and then when I click on "Unmoderated Items - Images" and it says "no items to display". I'm wondering if I did something wrong and haven't uploaded properly? Or maybe it just takes a while to get moderated? That's fine if so, was just wondering. Thanks.

Re: Good Morning!

@NatureLover  Mostly cloudy today here then 3 days of rain followed by cloudy then patchy sunshine.  Can't complain... it is autumn.  

Good Morning @TAB @Ant7 @The-red-centaur @MDT how's the weather where you all are? 😂 

Re: Good Morning!

Cold here re weather theme @Escaped_Goat  wells says 13 deg atm feels like 10 yay

Re: Good Morning!

Not bad at all thanks @Escaped_Goat

Re: Good Morning!

Good Morning @MDT @Ant7 @Escaped_Goat @NatureLover @The-red-centaur @Former-Member @Maggie @eth  and everyone who sees this

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @TAB ! That is too cold for me! Unless you like the cold and your "yay" was a happy yay?

Re: Good Morning!

no, was being sarky @NatureLover  sorry  and its getting colder this here week ok its only early, so will get to low 20s at some stage 

Re: Good Morning!

has anyone seen @Former-Member  ? ok tagworked that time