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Re: Night Shift

That's a shame .... I hope someone lets them know that they will be losing their casual listeners that way ....


Re: Night Shift

yeah it's just average, change something and make it worse

Re: Night Shift

Keeping busy in daylight hours @plasmo ?

I'm vegging today .... took two swims in a thermal spa yesterday and slept like a log .... but kept Wayward Husband up all night with my snoring ..... whoops .... :face_with_rolling_eyes:

Re: Night Shift

yeah i've had to go to the shops the last couple of days, can't believe how busy it is

Re: Night Shift

People stocking up post Christmas / New Year break probably ....


Re: Night Shift

i think a couple of days a week you should be able to just hip and shoulder anyone in your way at the shops, was driving me nuts today
Not applicable

Re: Night Shift

@plasmo I go grocery shopping at 9/10pm. Makes life a hell of a lot easier.

Re: Night Shift

@Former-Member yeah its usually lunch time it's busiest, today was like a weekend
Senior Contributor

Re: Night Shift

Have had about 2 hours sleep....I feel pretty good but will hit the wall at some point. Not particularly concerned as I have been sleeping a lot lately. The home invasion during the night was not conducive to sleep either. Because I have one and a half girl MissDaisyMae and Knucklehead the feral. I have installed a microchipped door to keep the feral out as he would LOVE to live me me, and he could, but I wont have a non castrated male in the houseSmiley TongueIMG_0301.JPG. She was obviously chased by him and she bolted through the door and I can only guess he was hot on her tail was able to come through at the same time. My baby girl screeched very rude cat things at him which would wake the dead, so I had to go to make sure he left without his usual calling card

Re: Night Shift
