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Senior Contributor

Re: Nothing

Aww Bellso as in formerly known as ..
also my other long gone Looking Down from Bridge /bkfst at Tiffanys/white rabbit bestie
Still thinking of you both 💜

Missing @Bella2

Hi @ Bella2 .....

If you're still reading the forums, we miss you .... I know you were very, very sad about your beautiful cat, and you need to take time to heal your sorrow .... but please remember us and come back when you're ready.

Hugs Hon ....



Re: Nothing

Yes @bella2 please remember we are all here for you

Sending heaps of hugs ❤ ❤
Senior Contributor

Re: Nothing

Ok @Former-Member if you still look re mazzy star etc
Senior Contributor

Re: Nothing

That goes for me too,@bella2 - know we are there for you - @Bimby2

Re: Nothing

we are missing you @Former-Member 2 HeartHeartHeart

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Re: Nothing

Good Morning Bella 2 Heart

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Re: Nothing

Am I the right Bella? I keep getting the messages for all the other Bella's because people keep leaving the 1 & 2 out & I am the original Bella. 😞
Love from me to all xo

Re: Nothing

Hi @Former-Member .... 😊

Thanks for responding ....

Bella2 has left the forum, hopefully just for now, but some of her friends are leaving her messages in case she comes past just reading ....

When they try to type in @Former-Member2 it's coming through to you .....



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Re: Nothing


you are so deeply loved and cherished here. i hope you are well. i hope that things look up. i truly believe that the ones we love the most will always reunite with us. maybe another form but all in the same spirit.

always here for you Xx