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Welcome party for S-Jay!

Hi everyone, 

I am extremely excited to welcome our new Community Manager... *drum roll* πŸ₯


@s-jay ! πŸŽ‰


You will see a lot of @s-jay around town and I thought in proper forum style, we could throw her a welcome party. Please everyone, come along with some cake or your favourite party decorations. I've started us off with an epic balloon arch that I threw together for the occassion πŸ˜‰


balloon arch.jpg


@s-jay, to get the party started, we would love to hear three random facts about you?


Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

What an awesome tradition! Thank you Lauz for the very warm welcome... Very keen to get started and learn from all you lovely people that make up this community, I'm here to listen.


3 random things about me? Hmmmm

+ I love love love synthesizers (clock the avatar!), listening, playing... Love synthwave music.

+ This usually doesn't make me very popular, but I'm allergic to cats and don't like being around them. Sorry cats lovers - I know there is a lot of you on the internet! On the otherhand, I do really love dogs. I've never had one, but my very close friends all have dogs that I love to be around!

+ I love camping! If I could camp up the coast all summer round, I would!  That would be a dream for me.
Can anyone relate to any of these?


As for me I am bringing these to my own welcome party, LOVE a carrot cake.

Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

@s-jayHi s-jay and welcome πŸ˜„ I thought I would bring a mix of savoury party food to balance the sweet. As for camping the only camping I like to do is in hotel rooms lol πŸ˜› I really hope you enjoy your time at Sane.


Related image

Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

Oh wow @greenpea, that looks so delicious!! Thank you!

I did have a little laugh about camping in the hotel!

Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

Welcome, @s-jay. I relate to your introduction in that I have been into electronic music over the years, even did vocals for some electronic music makers for a while. Synths are great! Look forward to getting to know you more over time. Smiley Happy

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Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

Hi @s-jay and welcome, 


I too don't handle cats they affect my asthma but so do dogs with long fur. I got a fruit platter for the party

images (89).jpeg




Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

OMG @Mazarita

is very talented  @s-jay ...........

But I digress.......I dont like cats either but here is Arlo......he's been hanging around here too......


Can I bring a flower and just like Arlo and drink water and just.....nibble on other's food?? 


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Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

Hello @s-jay pleased to "meet" you.




As you start this new job, may you be blessed with wisdom and understanding as you both counsel and walk beside others. May your heart be protected yet remain tender as you encourage us to strive toward reaching our potential.



Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

Thank you @Mazarita! I l do love singing too - good for soul I think!

Looking forward to getting to know you all too!

Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

Yum @Former-Member, and yes thankfully I haven't met a dog yet that I am allergic too!