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Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

Dear @Zoe7

I'm speechless with LOVE for smiling Toby.......

Arlo is a little maltese shizu.....he goes everywhere with me 

I watch Wendy the dog over and over again........



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Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

Oh no! Classic rookie mistake! Sorry @Zoe7! (& Zoe1 for that matter)

Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

Thanks for the warm welcome @Shaz51 What sort of pets? I'll take a wild guess and assume you like birds thanks to your avatar!?

Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

Thanks for the welcome @Former-Member & @Faith-and-Hope

(I love the ocean and being at the beach so that picture is great!)
Not applicable

Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

So do I @s-jay - it's my favourite place to walk and relax ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒŠ

Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

Hi @s-jay  nice to meet you. Hope you have a nice day ๐Ÿ˜Š

Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

I like ocean-side walking too @s-jay, but I am from river people on my Mumโ€™s side, and riverside walking is more my go-to I think.  There are dolphins and pelicans at my favourite walking space.

Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

Hello @s-jay

our saturday one hour drive to the beach for the sunrise










Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

Loved the video @PeppiPatty Smiley Very Happy

I will let you get away with that 'rookie mistake' @s-jay - you'll get the hang of it soon I am sure Smiley Very Happy Good to have you on board Heart

Re: Welcome party for S-Jay!

Yes @Former-Member, @Faith-and-Hope & @Shaz51 - ocean is so powerful and healing, and rivers too. When I was younger I was really afriad of rivers but now I have grown to love them just as much, one of my favs is the Macleay River in northern NSW, beaches up there are great too! How luck are you Shaz51 to have that gorgeous beach near you! ๐ŸŒ…


Thank you for the welcome @BlueBay and ditto to you - I am feeling a bit more optimistic since the sun is out and shining today! ๐ŸŒค


๐Ÿ™ Thanks @Zoe7 for the understanding lol!