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Re: Self Harm

@Angels333 I hope it does too Hon Heart

Re: Self Harm

@Zoe7 @Maggie @outlander @Appleblossom @MDT @greenpea 


Sorry to tag you all and be a drag,  but I'm really low at the moment and SH is out of control these last few days.  Tonight I had an episode of suicidal thoughts.   It's just a sign that I'm not coping.  I'm pretty sure that I have been triggered by son 2's rejection letter from the ADF on medical grounds.   We have started an appeal we have 12 weeks and numerous medical tests for him to have done in this time.  It's very daunting and nearly impossible to fit it all in in the 12 weeks. 

Re: Self Harm

Take it step by step @Angels333 It can be daunting looking at the whole period but breaking it down into weeks or even days and concentrating on it that way can help you get through better.  The most important thing is for you to look after yourself in this period too Hon. It may feel like that is impossible at the moment but taking it day by day yourself and just doing what you need to to get through each day is also important.


I know it must be really disappointing for your son right now but maybe considering other options moving forward if this appeal does not work may be something else to focus on too.

Re: Self Harm

Thanks @Zoe7  that's what we have been trying to do.   He will start to look for apprenticeships if he doesn't get approval.    I have son 1 at uni but son 2 doesn't want to go to uni, he's not going to get an ATAR.   I just worry about his future. 

Re: Self Harm

An apprenticeship is a good way to go @Angels333 There are certainly jobs out there in trades Hon so if he does something he is in to then it is a good path forward. 

Re: Self Harm

Hey @Angels333
I do hope that you get the adf thing sorted. Be sure to get what you need in that period. You are a great forumite and you deserve to be happy with life and content 🙂
Keep posting and getting support. You never drag anyone down 🙂

Re: Self Harm

I hope todays better for you @Angels333
good luck with the appeal and hoping your sons tests are up to their standards as well.
Not applicable

Re: Self Harm

Hello @Angels333, just wondering how you are travelling today?

Re: Self Harm

Hey @Former-Member I'm about the same regarding self harm, it's still frequent.    The suicidal thoughts have passed which is good.  I am just still so overwhelmed about the situation son 2 is in with the ADF appeal,  it's so expensive and no guarantee he will pass the medical in the end anyway.  My heart is breaking for him. 

Re: Self Harm

@Former-Member @outlander @MDT @Zoe7 @Shaz51 @Maggie 


I'm having a bad day, Mr Angels found some evidence of SH this morning and confronted me about it.   I said nothing in reply and he just went to work.   I'm not looking forward to seeing him I'm so ashamed.    I saw my psychologist today and he really worked  with  me to figure out how to stop the SH.   But I didn't talk to him about Mr Angels. I'm so stressed out.