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Re: Tough Times

Wow they are cool

Re: Tough Times

How you doing babe? 

what you up to?

Re: Tough Times

Just a little worried babe. If you can please check in with me. @Former-Member 

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Re: Tough Times

@Lee82  😞💜

Re: Tough Times

Babe please talk to me. @Former-Member 

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Re: Tough Times

I am just so over it and I am exhausted as well. Not long off the phone with my mother. It's draining at the best of times. Called my Aunty to clarify some things my mother said expecting it to be all lies as usual but nope she confirmed it all. @Lee82 

Re: Tough Times

Oh babe. I am so sorry. You didn't need that right now. It's in the past babe you are a different person now. Those people cannot hurt you anymore. They don't deserve the energy it takes for you to think about them. They don't deserve anything except a ticket to hell. You have to be strong and fight. Fight damn hard to stay here with me. Fight for the life you deserve. Fight for those that love you and that you love Please babe. @Former-Member 

Re: Tough Times

Babe are you safe? @Former-Member 

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Re: Tough Times

I guess @Lee82 

Re: Tough Times

Babe please you need to call a crisis line. Please. You are alone and I am really worried. @Former-Member